- prepare tcl script harvesting from various web browsers the following information and generate automatic part run list CVS. The following columns are worth keeping in this order:
**1 generic
status, fillNumber, runNumber, trgSetupName, shiftStat, startRunTimeBnl, totSec, detectors-in, nDaqFile,nDaqWstream,
bbcRate-rs3, bbc-rs4, bbc-rs5, bbcBckg,zdc-rs9?, L2WB-trgId, zdc_trgId
:*2 specific , matched to pp500 run configuration http://online.star.bnl.gov/RunLog/Summary.php?run=10076027 R10076027, where 'sn' means seen w/ dead time, 're' means recorded by daq.
:*3 filled by human using flags listed below (Scott?) based on Jim's template
:* 4 http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/sowinski/runQC_2006/runSumQA_v2.csv.txt Example of 2006 run list
*produce automatic portion of the run list starting from March 13
- A [ new tcl script|http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/wissink/2009/runlist/newListForWs.tcl new tcl script], version 1, is up and running for W's. It mostly follows the above, though with additional information on recorded events, and less on scalers.
- The '''http://www.star.bnl.gov/protected/spin/wissink/2009/runlist/runListForWs-all-v1.csv complete csv file (vers. 1)''' covers runs from days 76 through the end of the 500 GeV running (day 103), grouped by RHIC fill number. To be included in the list, each run had to satisfy the following conditions:
:1) labeled in rts as a production physics run
:2) not recorded as "bad" by rts (shift leader's status is irrelevant!)
:3) run length of more than three minutes (180 seconds)