But the notion of praxis goes beyond mere practicality: it also rests on the idea of turning theory into action (from Merrrian-Webster: "'s definition includes practical application of a theory"). Pairing theory and action is a hallmark of MIT, and at the Sloan School of Management students prepare by learning theory, tools, and methods in classrooms, act as they apply them in real-world projects, and reflect on their experiences to build their own practice of effective management. The goal is not just to improve practical skills, but also to cultivate students' ongoing, practical use of theory and ideas.
Appreciating the value of practical application of theories is an important theme American pragmatism, a philosophical approach with deep roots in American culture. The pragmatists assess the value of ideas by their practical import, asking how it changes people's experience. Praxis resonates in management research, too: Kurt Lewin declared that nothing is as practical as a good theory in a 1945 , paper describing a research program at MIT that preceeded preceded the founding of the Sloan School of Managment, Kurt Lewin declared that "nothing is as practical as a good theory" http://links.jstor.org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/sici?sici=0038-0431%28194505%298%3A2%3C126%3ATRCFGD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-D
. Today his Management. His words still frame the study of organizations, business, and management for academics throughout the world. And in education, the notion of praxis embodies the highest goals: Praxis " ..enables (learners) to engage with the situation as committed thinkers and actors." http://www.infed.org/biblio/knowledge.htm#practical Reproduced from the encyclopaedia of informal education www.infed.org (see Notes below). According to this notion, in praxis for learning , the goal is entails an interactive process in which both learner and teacher seek to improve the situation (see also http://www.infed.org/biblio/b-curric.htm#praxis
and http://www.infed.org/biblio/b-praxis.htm
This rich history and our own experience MIT Sloan offer us a great starting point for further developing praxis at MIT Sloan. Please join our emerging community, look Look around our emerging website, and join the dialogs in our meetings, participate in our learning experiences, and . Let us know what you think. And let us know what you thinkdo!
After Grundy, S. (1987) Curriculum: Product or Praxis, Lewes: Falmer; cited and described by Mark Smith, at the encyclopaedia of informal education www.infed.org. More on praxis and teaching via praxis.