{live-template:Left Column}
A 4460 lb Ford Explorer traveling 35 mph has a head on collision with a 2750 lb Toyota Corolla, also traveling 35 mph.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Compare the forces on the occupants of two cars in a 1-D totally inelastic collision.{excerpt}
{card:label=Part A}
h2. Part A
Assuming that the automobiles become locked together during the collision, what is the speed of the combined mass immediately after the collision?
h4. Solutions
{toggle-cloak:id=sysa} *System:* {cloak:id=sysa}Explorer plus Corolla as [point particles|point particle].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=inta} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=inta}[Impulse|impulse] resulting from [external influences|external force] will be neglected, as we assume that the collision is instantaneous.{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=moda} *Model:* {cloak:id=moda}[Momentum and External Force].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=appa} *Approach:*
{toggle-cloak:id=diaga} {color:red} *Diagrammatic Representation* {color}
We begin by sketching the situation and defining a [coordinate system|coordinate system].
||Initial State||Final State||
{toggle-cloak:id=matha} {color:red} *Mathematical Representation* {color}
Since we assume that [external|external force] [forces|force] are negligible during the collision, we set the [external|external force] [impulse|impulse] to zero which gives:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ p^{TC}_{x,i} + p^{FE}_{x,i} = p^{system}_{x,f} \]\end{large}{latex}
or, in terms of the masses:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ m^{TC}v^{TC}_{x,i} + m^{FE}v^{FE}_{x,i} = (m^{TC}+m^{FE})v_{x,f} \]\end{large}{latex}
which gives:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ v_{x,f} = \frac{m^{TC}v^{TC}_{x,i} + m^{FE}v^{FE}_{x,i}}{m^{TC}+m^{FE}} = \mbox{3.71 m/s} = \mbox{8.3 mph}\]\end{large}{latex}
{warning}Remember that in our [coordinate system|coordinate system], the Corolla has a negative x-velocity before the collision.{warning}
{card:label=Part B}
h2. Part B
Find the [impulse|impulse] that acted on each of the vehicles during the collision.
h4. Solution
{toggle-cloak:id=sysb} *Systems:* {cloak:id=sysb} Corolla and Explorer as *separate* [point particle] [systems|system].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=intb} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=intb}The [impulse|impulse] on each vehicle from the other is assumed to be the dominant [interaction|interaction] during the collision. Because we are now considering the vehicles separately, these are now [external|external force] [impulses|impulse].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=modb} *Model:* {cloak:id=modb}[Momentum and External Force].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=appb} *Approach:*
With the results of Part A it is straightforward to calculate the [impulse|impulse] on the Explorer due to the collision. To be specific, we label the impulse "EC" to remind ourselves the [impulse|impulse] on the Explorer is provided by the Corolla.
{latex}\begin{large}\[ J^{EC}_{x} = p^{E}_{x,f}-p^{E}_{x,i} = m^{E}(v^{E}_{x,f}-v^{E}_{x,i}) = (\mbox{2030 kg})(\mbox{3.71 m/s}-\mbox{15.6 m/s}) = -\mbox{24000 kg m/s} \] \end{large}{latex}
Similarly, for the Corolla:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ J^{CE}_{x} = p^{C}_{x,f}-p^{C}_{x,i} = m^{C}(v^{C}_{x,f}-v^{C}_{x,i}) = (\mbox{1250 kg})(\mbox{3.71 m/s}+\mbox{15.6 m/s}) = +\mbox{24000 kg m/s} \] \end{large}{latex}
{note}Again, it is important to note that the Corolla's initial x-velocity is negative in our chosen [coordinate system|coordinate system].{note}
{tip}It is no coincidence that _J{_}{^}EC^ = -- _J{_}{^}CE^. The relationship is guaranteed by [Newton's 3rd Law|Newton's Third Law].{tip}
{card:label=Part C}
h2. Part C
Assuming the collision lasted for 0.060 seconds, find the [time-averaged|impulse] [force|force] exerted on each vehicle.
h4. Solution
{toggle-cloak:id=sysc} *Systems:* {cloak:id=sysc} Corolla and Explorer as *separate* [point particle] [systems|system]. {cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=intc} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=intc} The [external|external force] [force|force] on each vehicle from the other is assumed to be the dominant [interaction|interaction] during the collision.{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=modc} *Model:* {cloak:id=modc}[Momentum and External Force].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=appc} *Approach:*
From the definition of [impulse|impulse] we know:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ J^{EC}_{x} = \int F^{EC}_{x}\:dt \equiv \bar{F}^{EC}_{x} \Delta t\]\end{large}{latex}
so the time-averaged [force|force] exerted on the Explorer is:
{latex}\begin{large}\[\bar{F}^{EC}_{x} = \frac{J^{CE}_{x}}{\Delta t} = -\mbox{400,000 N} \]\end{large}{latex}
Similarly, the time-averaged [force|force] exerted on the Corolla is:
{latex}\begin{large}\[\bar{F}^{CE}_{x} = \frac{J^{EC}_{x}}{\Delta t} = \mbox{400,000 N}\]\end{large}{latex}
{tip}Again, the relationship between the two [forces|force] is guaranteed by [Newton's 3rd Law|Newton's Third Law].{tip}
{card:label=Part D}
h2. Part D
Suppose a 75 kg person in each vehicle underwent the same change in [velocity|velocity] as their automobile in the same amount of time. Find the [time-averaged|impulse] [force|force] exerted on these people.
{toggle-cloak:id=sysd} *Systems:* {cloak:id=sysd}First, the Corolla and Explorer as separate [point particle] systems, then the passengers as *separate* [point particle] systems.{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=intd} *Interactions:* {cloak:id=intd} Each vehicle is subject to a collision [force|force] from the other. The passengers are each subject to some decelerating [force|force], possibly a seatbelt or airbag.{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=modd} *Model:* {cloak:id=modd}[Point Particle Dynamics].{cloak}
{toggle-cloak:id=appd} *Approach:*
The passengers clearly are not subject to the same [force|force] as their vehicles. Rather, they are subject to the same [accelerations|acceleration]. (They are -- hopefully -- strapped into their automobiles, so that whatever happens to their vehicle's motion happens to their motion as well.) Thus, our first goal is to determine the vehicles' [accelerations|acceleration]. This is easily accomplished using the results of Part C in [Newton's 2nd Law|Newton's Second Law].
{latex}\begin{large}\[ a^{E}_{x}= \frac{F^{EC}_{x}}{m^{E}} = -\mbox{200 m/s}^{2}\]
\[ a^{C}_{x} = \frac{F^{CE}_{x}}{m^{C}} = \mbox{320 m/s}^{2} \]\end{large}{latex}
{tip}The Corolla's [acceleration|acceleration] should clearly be larger, even though the beginning and ending speeds of the Explorer and Corolla are the same. The reason is that the Corolla has _changed direction_. Thus, it effectively dropped all the way to zero from 35 mph and then _accelerated_ back up to 8.3 mph the other way. The Explorer simply dropped its forward speed from 35 mph to 8.3 mph.{tip}
{info}Note (discounting safety measures like airbags) the SUV driver's acceleration would be about 20 [g's|gee], near the limit of human endurance. The Corolla's driver would experience almost 33 [g's|gee].{info}
With these [accelerations|acceleration], we can find the [force|force] on each driver:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ F^{E,driver}_{x} = m^{driver}a^{E}_{x} = -\mbox{15000 N} = -\mbox{3,300 lbs}\]
\[ F^{C,driver}_{x} = m^{driver}a^{C}_{x} = \mbox{24000 N} = \mbox{5,400 lbs}\]\end{large}{latex}
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