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h1. System
{excerpt}The object or the group of objects whose motion is being described using a [model|model]. {excerpt}
h3. System versus Environment
In each physics problem, some object or objects will have their motion described by a chosen [model|model]. That object or objects then form the system that the [model] applies to. There will usually be other objects that influence the motion of the system, but whose motion is not modeled. Those other objects constitute the [environment|environment]. The [environment|environment] will influence the system only through interactions that generate [forces|force], [work|work] or [torques|torque] on the system.
h3. System Specification
In solving a mechanics problem, the system is specified by stating which objects will constitute the system and how those objects will be idealized. In introductory mechanics, objects can always be idealized to meet the criteria for inclusion in one of the following four categories:
* [*Point Particle*|point particle]: {excerpt-include:point particle|nopanel=true}
* [*Rigid Body*|rigid body]: {excerpt-include:rigid body|nopanel=true}
* [*Massless Object*|massless object]: {excerpt-include:massless object|nopanel=true}
* [*Infinitely Massive Object*|infinitely massive object]: {excerpt-include:infinitely massive object|nopanel=true}
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