Even if you are not an expert on climate change, there are several ways you can participate and make a difference: *
- Look around, learn and tell others what you have learned
- Invite others to join the Collaboratorium
- View plans that others have proposed and the arguments for or against them
- Comment on vote for plans and arguments you find compelling
- Help to translate publications written by experts into plain language that can be accessible to a broader public
- Submit or suggest articles, resources, pictures, or videos that can enrich the conversation
- Help to add new features to our software
- Suggest new ways you would like to participate
If you are already familiar with the issues or are an expert with specialized knowledge, then you can do all of the above plus: *
- Propose a new plan and build support for it among Collaboratorium users
- Discuss with experts from your specialty or other specialties
- Propose models that can be added to the Collaboratorium
If you are a policy maker, you can do the above plus: *
- Consult the Collaboratorium to get a sense of the thinking of a broad range of people who are engaged around climate issues
- Submit an early version of a policy proposal to see how the Collaboratorium user community reacts
- Use the Collaboratorium to gain support for a real policy proposal
We hope you join us in solving Climate Change, and we are eager to hear your feedback,