The UNFCCC is an international treaty negotiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, which was held in Rio in June 1992. The treaty's objective is to is stabilize objective was to stabilize atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations levels that will would prevent dangerous climate change. A UN Secretariat was subsequently established to adminster the work of the convention.
Although the UNFCC holds quarterly gatherings, major annual meetings are the centerprice of the process. The 2008 meeting was held in Poznan, Poland. The 2009 meeting is scheduled for December in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Country Groupings in the UNFCCC: Annex I (Developed) vs. Non-Annex I (Developing) Countries
The OECD Annex I countries are also included in another category, Annex II parties. In addition to reducing their own emissions, Annex II parties are also expected to provide financial resources and to transfer technologies that can assist developing countries in reducing their emissions and adapting to climate change.
Major Economies Process: An Adjunct to the UNFCCC