- Schedule DIRC in TechTime for all Fridays in April or July from 11:30-1:30. If you need more times, feel free to schedule into the next month, or schedule more than one per week.
- Send an e-mail to ps-lib (is this the appropriate email list?) to ask for volunteers to teach classes.
- Send posters to RISG members (is this appropriate??) to hang in libraries.
- Advertise series on news blog. Submit to your local news blog person. You can use past year's sessions as a template.
- Email spotlight-lib to advertise each session at the top of the home page.
- Email subspec-lib with the list of sessions, and ask them to forward the info to their departments.
- Email instructors to remind them to bring surveys with them (attach the survey to the message), as well as to input statistics when they're done. NOTE: Surveys are being redone as of summer 2009. Ask RISG what, if any, survey is appropriate.