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Navigation Map

| #Enter Grades | #Approving Grades | #Dashboard | #Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting | #Grade History | #Changing Grades | #Makeup Grades | #Graphs |

Entering Grades by Students and Assignments
Enter Grades
Enter Grades


ALL DONE - Shows a list of assignments/exams that have been graded and approved. Click the assignment/exam title to jump to the grading table where you can view all released grades.

Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting
Enter Grades by Importing Excel and Exporting

Enter Grades by Importing Excel Spreadsheet and Exporting

Another way you can change and approve grades is by importing a spreadsheet. This way of changing and approving grades will allow you to update Stellar grades as well as keep a copy of the grades on your own desktop. When you export grades the spreadsheet will list the title, short name, due date, max points, weight, names and email addresses of the students, section the student belongs to (when applicable), points and whether or not the grade is approved.


  1. Click on the Gradebook link in the navigation bar
  2. Click on the assignments link in the Gradebook navigation bar.
  3. Click on the (PIC) next to the assignment you wish to export grades from.


  1. Click on the Gradebook link in the navigation bar
  2. Click on the assignments link in the Gradebook navigation bar
  3. Click the (PCITURE) PICTURE) next to the assignment you wish to enter grades in to export your grades into an excel spreadsheet on your desktop. 
  4. Make Open and make changes to the grades in the spreadsheet. To approve an individual's grade, go to the "Approved" column for that student and change the value from FALSE (unapproved) to TRUE (approved). Make sure you save the changes made to your spreadsheet.
  5. When you have completed approving grades, click (PICTURE). Stellar will display an attachment section
  6. Select Click Browse and select your updated spreadsheet.
  7. Choose to either import changed grades or import all (check with joe and jeannie on this)
  8. Click (IMAGE/Preview)
    Stellar displays changes made in the grades and asks if these updates are correct.
  9. Click (IMAGE)


  1. /MAke these changes)or if the information is not correct, click (IMAGE/No, go back) and make sure you have edited the spreadsheet correctly. Start from step 4 again.
    Stellar lists the changes made
  2. Click done.
    Grade History
    Grade History

Grade History

The History pop-up tells you: the grade given, the Date and Time it was entered, the Action done to the homework: Create (new but not approved), Change (modified but not approved), Makeup (entered or updated a makeup grade), or Approve (final and approved), the Grader's email, and the role of the Grader. The Grade History link will not appear till at least one grade has been updated to the appropriate field.


  1. Display the Grade Summary/Assignment or Grade Summary/Student page.
    o To display the Grade Summary/Assignment page, click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook, then click an assignment title.
    o To display the Grade Summary/Student page, click the Students tab in the Gradebook, then click a student's name.
  2. Click the (IMAGE)
    The History pop-up opens.
  3. Wiki Markup
    To close the History pop-up, click the *\[ x \]* in the pop-up's title bar. <ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="e78a80d677e83e13-68c64379-4a91401c-a92fa258-8eb67aa96f512fc2489bc80c"><ac:parameter ac:name="">Changing Grades</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>
