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| #Enter Grades | #Approving Grades | #Grade History | #Changing Grades | #Makeup Grades |

Entering Grades by Students and Assignments
Enter Grades
Enter Grades

There are two ways to enter grades in the Gradebook: by students and by assignments.


  1. Click Gradebook in the Navigation Bar.
  2. To grade either:
    • (IMAGE OF STUDENT/Summ page) By Students: Click "Students" in the Gradebook Navigation Bar and choose the student whose assignments you want to grade
    • (IMAGE OF ASSIGN/SUMM page) By Assignments: Click "Assignments" in the Gradebook Navigation Bar and choose the assignment you want to grade all students for
  3. Enter the grade (s) in the Points column.
  4. Click (Image-UPDATE) to save the grades.
    Stellar highlights any grades that need to be updated; you can click the "update" button to update grades.
    • If an 'X' is entered into a grade field, that grade is ignored and is not counted towards the final grade.
    • Grades can be 'cleared' by removing the grade and hitting update.
      • Null grades cannot be approved
      • Null grades are treated as "not yet entered" in the dashboard and will cause any assignment that contains one to appear in the first column of the dashboard.
      • Null grades will appear as "cleared' in the grade history.
    • In order for students to view their approved grades the Student Display box must be checked in the Configure part of the Gradebook.


    • Grades
      Approving Grades

Approving Grades

Students will not see their grades if they have not been approved. Like entering a grade, approving a grade can be done by student or assignment (see above for more details). To Approve a grade click the APPROVE button (PIC) next to the grade. You can also approve more than one grade by clicking on the "APPROVE ALL" button (PIC). Once a grade is approved, it appears in the student's Grade Report.

Grade History
Grade History

Viewing Grade History

The History pop-up tells you: the grade given, the Date and Time it was entered, the Action done to the homework: Create (new but not approved), Change (modified but not approved), Makeup (entered or updated a makeup grade), or Approve (final and approved), the Grader's email, and the role of the Grader. The Grade History link will not appear till at least one grade has been updated to the appropriate field.


  1. Display the Grade Summary/Assignment or Grade Summary/Student page.
    o To display the Grade Summary/Assignment page, click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook, then click an assignment title.
    o To display the Grade Summary/Student page, click the Students tab in the Gradebook, then click a student's name.
  2. Click the (IMAGE)
    The History pop-up opens.
  3. Wiki Markup
    To close the History pop-up, click the *\[ x \]* in the pop-up's title bar. <ac:structured-macro ac:name="anchor" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="c337bd59-accf-4afc-9313-cdc48e4dd406"><ac:parameter ac:name="">Changing Grades</ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>

Changing Grades

Changing a grade in the Gradebook is the same procedure as entering a grade. If the grade was already approved, its approval status is removed and the grade must be approved again in order for it to be posted in the student's Grade Report. Stellar records any changes to a grade or makeup grade in its history. Changes made in the makeup grade field will be recorded in the history as "Makeup" not "Change"

Note: When an approved grade is changed, it is up to the instructor/TA to notify the student of the change.

Makeup Grades



Makeup Grades

Makeup grades allow can be inputted into the Gradebook through the Makeup Grade field.
