- Click Gradebook in the Navigation Bar.
- To grade either:
- (IMAGE OF STUDENT/Summ page) By Students: Click "Students" in the Gradebook Navigation Bar and choose the student whose assignments you want to grade
- (IMAGE OF ASSIGN/SUMM page) By Assignments: Click "Assignments" in the Gradebook Navigation Bar and choose the assignment you want to grade all students for
- Enter the grade (s) in the Points column.
- Click (Image-UPDATE) to save the grades.
Stellar highlights any grades that need to be updated; you can click the "update" button to update grades.Info title Note - If an 'X' is entered into a grade field, that grade is ignored and is not counted towards the final grade.
- Grades can be 'cleared' by removing the grade and hitting update.
- Null grades cannot be approved
- Null grades are treated as "not yet entered" in the dashboard and will cause any assignment that contains one to appear in the first column of the dashboard.
- Null grades will appear as "cleared' in the grade history.
Note - In order for students to view their approved grades the Student Display box must be checked in the Configure part of the Gradebook.
Viewing Grade History
The History pop-up tells you: the grade given, the Date and Time it was entered, the Action: Create (new but not approved), Change (modified but not approved), or Approve (final and approved); the Grader's email, and the role of the Grader. The Grade History link will not appear till at least one grade has been updated to the appropriate field.
- Display the Grade Summary/Assignment or Grade Summary/Student page.
o To display the Grade Summary/Assignment page, click the Assignments tab in the Gradebook, then click an assignment title.
o To display the Grade Summary/Student page, click the Students tab in the Gradebook, then click a student's name. - Click the (IMAGE)
The History pop-up opens. Wiki Markup To close the History pop-up, click the *\[ x \]* in the pop-up's title bar.
Approving grades
Students will not see their grades if they have not been approved. To Approve a grade click the APPROVE button next to the grade. You can also approve more than one grade by clicking on the "APPROVE ALL" button. Once a grade is approved, it appears in the student's Grade Report.
- Send an email to the student: Click the student's name under his or her photo.
- Post a comment to the student's Grade Report: Enter the comment in the Comment Text box and click save. Note: The comments are not linked to specific assignment but rather to the student's work in general.
grade summary/assignment page
- Show dropped students
Clicking on the graph icon (IMAGE) displays the recorded point values for an assignment as a bar chart.
This link can be found by clicking "Assignments" in the Gradebook Navigation Bar and by clicking an assignment listed on that page, or in the dashboard.