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h1. Impulse
{excerpt}The time integral of [force|force]. The net [external|external force] impulse acting on a [system|system] over a given time interval is equal to the system's change in [momentum|momentum].{excerpt}
h3. {toggle-cloak:id=mot} Motivation for Concept
Although some everyday [interactions|interaction] like [gravity|gravitation] and [friction|friction] result in stable [forces] whose effects can easily be analyzed with [dynamics|Point Particle Dynamics], many interactions are not steady. Consider, for example, the difference between a push and a punch. When you push something, you consciously use your muscles to apply a steady [force] to the target object. For this reason, pushing a bowling ball or a bean bag feels much the same, apart from the fact that the bean bag will probably respond more to the [force]. When you punch something, however, you simply let your fist fly. The [force] felt by the target object and the [reaction force|Newton's Third Law] exterted on your fist are the result of the impact of your moving fist with the object. This impact is essentially out of your control. The [force] exterted are not determined directly by your muscles (though the faster your fist is moving, the greater the force will tend to be), but rather it is principally determined by the properties of your hand and the target object. Because of this fact, there is a dramatic difference between the results of punching a bean bag versus punching a bowling ball.
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