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{excerpt:hidden=true}*System:* Any system can be treated as a [point particle] located at the [center of mass]. --- *Interactions:* Any.{excerpt}

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h2h1. DescriptionPoint andParticle AssumptionsDynamics

{excerpt:hidden=true}*System:* Any system can be treated as a [point particle] located at the [center of mass]. --- *Interactions:* Any.{excerpt}

This modelh4. {toggle-cloak:id=desc} Description and Assumptions

This [model|model] is applicable to a [point particle] (or to a [system|system] of objects treated as a [point particle|point particle] located at the system's [center of mass]) when the [external forces|external force] are known or needed.  It is a subclass of the model [Momentum and External Force] defined by the constraint _dm/dt_ = 0.

h2h4. {toggle-cloak:id=cues} Problem Cues

This [model|model] is typically applied to find the [acceleration|acceleration] in cases where the [forces|force] will remain constant, such as an object moving along a flat surface like a ramp or a wall.  It is also useful in combination with other [models|model], such as when finding the [normal force|normal force] exerted on a passenger in a roller coaster at the top of a loop-the-loop (in which case, it would be combined with [Mechanical Energy and Non-Conservative Work]).

||Page Contents||

h1. Prerequisite Knowledge

h3. Prior Models{cloak}

h4. {toggle-cloak:id=pri} Prior Models


*  [One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration|1-D Motion (Constant Acceleration)].


h3h4. {toggle-cloak:id=vocab} Vocabulary


h1. {cloak}

h2. Model

h4. {toggle-cloak:id=sys} {color:red}Compatible Systems{color}

A single [point particle|point particle], or a system of constant mass that is treated as a point particle located at the system's center of mass.

h1h4. {toggle-cloak:id=int} {color:red}Relevant Interactions{color}
[External forces|external force] must be understood sufficiently to draw a [free body diagram] for the system.  [Internal forces|internal force] will always cancel from the equations of Newton's 2nd Law for the system and can be neglected.
h1. Model

h4. {toggle-cloak:id=law} {color:red}Law of Change{color}

{latex}\begin{large} \[ \sum \vec{F}^{\rm ext} = m\vec{a} \]  \end{large} {latex}

{note}As with all vector equations, this Law of Interaction should really be understood as three simultaneous equations:\\

{latex}\begin{large}\[ \sum F^{\rm ext}_{x} = ma_{x}\]
\[ \sum F^{\rm ext}_{y} = ma_{y}\]
\[\sum F^{\rm ext}_{z} = ma_{z}\]\end{large}{latex}{note}

h1h4. {toggle-cloak:id=diag} {color:red}Diagrammatical Representations{color}

h2. Relevant Examples

h4. {toggle-cloak:id=all} All Related Examples


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