Q3 Fiscal Year 2009 (Jan 2009 - Mar 2009)
- Student and faculty support for new version of Stellar course management system and Touchstone collaboration accounts rolled out
- Improved input of data as well as understanding of data collections and reporting tools such as RT, Warehouse, eOn call tracking metrics .
- Began generating reports on breakdowns of Service Center and Call Center tickets across platforms, products/services, and sharing within the team
- Began regular sharing of
- data extracted from eOn using those to improve our on-duty scheduling, and our call handling practices
- Began collecting, collating and sharing daily trend reports with rest of IS&T
- Encouraged active use of Hermes across the Help Desk, IS&T and Institute colleagues .
- Ran training sessions for DITR, IT Partners, Sloan STS, VPF staff
- Moved
- large amount of content from private "Help Desk only" space to public space for self-service
- ; (bdoyle getting me some specifics)
- Met with Libraries who will begin using Hermes for technical content and update Libraries-specific information already in Hermes
- Reviewed, clarified, and improved our processes for monitoring and responding to the more challenging network issues that cross between Help Desk, Telephony Support and OIS .
- Cross-group discussions to review and
- revise documented escalation procedures and make updates in Hermes
- Formation of Help Desk subteam to focus expertise on network issues
- Creation of a network special tag in RT to enable appropriate ticket monitoring
- Creation of saved RT queries to monitor network tickets that remain in Help Desk queues as well as those that we escalate out
- Drafted high-level plans for Telephony and Computing Help collaboration , and for Service Center redefinition and consolidation.
- Began holding regular combine Telephony/Help Desk staff meetings
- Began involving Help Desk staff in monitoring Telephony VoIP help requests
- Started Service Center redefinition and consolidation
- Initiated process to move printer repair work from Service Center to outside service provider
- Established clear work processes and process leaders for both Hardware and Software repair functions
- Began to think about ways to estimate unit costs for services provided by the Help Desk .
- Shared estimates as well as context for estimates with email/calendaring and MITBI support planning efforts
- User Accounts :
- Completed annual account deactivations in 2nd week of January
- New student class of 2013 and graduate student account registrations and mailings completed
- Sponsored account cleanup completed
- Accounts support for Touchstone Collaboration Accounts rolled out
- Athena/Academic
- ACCORD / IS&T / Libraries MIT video strategy project for MITCET started
- Athena 10 early release rolled out to 50 public student systems
- Development and delivery work on track for summer 2009 campus-wide release
- Athena/Academic: Athena 10 update? FS/ILG off-campus network installations and upgrades?nearing completion
- VoIP transitions continue at accelerated pace
- Printing and Athena cluster data collection and assessment work to support Education, IT@MIT, and Energy Task Force efforts
- ACCORD sponsor meeting and change in leadership (leadership transitions from OEIT to Libraries)
- Managing anxieties as we are on the verge of some much needed internal restructuring post layoffs and as we rethink our priorities.
- Determining pace and appropriateness of exploring right sourcing of Help Desk services.
- Continueing Continuing to be hampered by a lack of robust and reliable tools for managing tickets, facilitating data mining, managing billing and financial oversight.
- Softphone client delays due to chaning client space; no available multi-platform (Mac & Windows) softclient solution – redefining project scope and goals to look at single-platform solutions and accommodating new goal of substituting a softclient as an option for a normal business phone transition
- Implement organizational changes that move affecting the Help Desk to the Service Desk; address and other areas of CSS
- Address moving staff to new roles, under new leadership
- Identify and address gaps in this new structure
- Plan for business continutity across these changes to ensure handoffs and escalations continue to go smoothly
- Make progress on CSIR project to look at alternative sourcing models for Help Desk services.
- Continue to integrate and cross-train Telephony and Help Desk staff.
- Cross train hardware and software repair staff to facilitate more efficient workflow for client issues requiring both hardware and software repair.
- Upgrade hardware and software in public student computing environment
- Deploy Athena 10/debAthena
- Cross-grade remaining Solaris hardware and legacy HP hardware to current Dell hardware
- Fall Readiness (be ready)
Q2 -- already submitted
Q2 Fiscal Year 2009 (Oct 2008 - Dec 2008)