File Disposition Use Cases:
- Files on an external hard drive/CD/DVD/etc..
- ex. Edgerton Notebook - external hard drive from vendor
- ex. Perceptual Form of the City - external hard drive from vendor
- ex. Vail Balloon Prints - external hard drive from vendor
- ex. CEEPR born digital files - external hard drive from Craig
- Batch download over network
- ex. Sloan Working Papers - download from OCA
- ex. Thresholds - download from OCA
- Document Services (COMSTOCK)
- ex. Communication Forum pdfs - Jenn moved from Comstock to DSpace Images
- ex. CEEPR Working papers digitized
- ex. RLE
- We need more space on DSpace Images
- Who uploads to DSpace Images
Decisions made:
- DSpace Images - the master files will reside in this folder prior to ingestion
- Download locally for faster work ex. Cataloging - download to work locally then only upload the metadata or derivatives* Never overwrite the files on DSpace Images (the exception is file error, file damaged or misnamed)
- File derivatives - who is responsible for creating these?ans. If the sponsoring department can not create then the vendor will be paid to create the derivatives needed.ex. Document Services could create derivatives in an hour the charge would be $60.