- Request for a Thalia domain is received via RTqueue.
- Create a new ticket in the RTqueue for requests received via other venues.
- Send the Preliminary Questionnaire.
- Receive answers to Preliminary Questionnaire.
- Determine if a Thalia domain is to be granted to this customer.
- Send the Follow-up Questionnaire.
- Make sure answers received are complete.
- Forward domain request to Qing Dong, dongq@mit.edu via RT.
- Batch domain requests and submit on Wednesdays.
- Qing asks the Touchstone people to add the domain to their database.
- Qing creates the new domain in the alfresco database.
- Qing emails Thalia support that domain creation is successful.
- Turn-around is generally two days.
- Thalia support creates the domain administrator/s.
- Go to https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resttest.jsp
- Click on the "Super User Self Reg" button.
- It should return "status=true"
- Login to the new domain: https://mv-ezproxy-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org
- Create user accounts for the domain administrator/s.
- Remember to check the "Is Domain Administrator" box.
- Go here to learn how to create a user account and domain administrators: http://thalia-test.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/help/creatingusers.html
- Add the domain administrator/s to the thalia-info mailman list.
- Send the Welcome to Your Thalia Domain letter.
- Update the Matrix of Thalia Customers.