Phase 2 Updates
4/10/09 -- Nicole
Edgerton Notebook loose items have been placed in folders and labeled according to Archive directions. Notebooks and Items are available for return to Archives.
3/23/09 -- Ann Marie
I spoke to Dave Semperger today. As it turns out, Julie has already done the page-by-page QC and doesn't need to return to the Lab. Steve, however, wants to go over each file himself, which he can begin doing now that he is back in the office. He should be done on Wednesday, and Dave will call to let me know if they need to reshoot anything.
- Targets (forms prepared by Archives)
- Loose material : film each piece separately Fill out two copies of the separation/description form for each loose item. (separation form created by Archives-need to print out on acid free paper) Place one form in the book where item was located after filming and place each loose item in it's own acid free folder with the second copy of the form.
- Paper clips: remove
- Negatives, photographs: place in individual acid free sleeves, then in folder
- Title penciled in on acid free folder: Material separated from Notebook No._____Notebook dates__________