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April 13 - Meeting with Steve and Jess re: reporting ref stats in the new model. Bring any final questions for Steve.
May 1 - Decide on weeks to sample, if we didn't decide in the meeting. Can use Use this time to work on some of the little things below, like creating a little blurb about ref vs. other questions, set up the instructions on the wiki
May 13 - Complete first draft of email that will be sent out. Send draft to our little subgroup and maybe Steve for comments.
~May 20 - Finalize wording for email. Finalize public wiki
Late May - early June - Steve to send email introducing the new policy
June 15 - Send reminder of upcoming changes. Keep public wiki updated
July 1 - Reference statistics sampling model lanuches! Stop taking daily statistics. Send reminder.


1. Decide which definition of reference to use. - I'm thinking we probably want to know this (or have a good sense of where we are,) by the meeting with Steve, April 13.


2. Draft message describing new system for Steve to send to all-lib? ps-lib?. - (First draft by ~May 15, any takers?)

  • Make it clear that everyone who answers any questions from the public should be involved (or however we want to clarify that).
  • Keep it brief, so that people will read it.
    • Instead of recording statistics every day, we will be doing recording them four weeks out of the year
    • The 4 weeks will be (x,x,x,x)
    • Remember to record all transactions, whether they happen at the desk or away.
    • A reminder of the difference between reference and other

3. Make a web / wiki page describing the new system. - Heather & Bill

Updated policy for collecting reference statistics


Monday, April 13th, 4-5 pm in the DIRC - Thank you, Remlee!

For this meeting we will have prepared:
