- Information about NGOs contacted NGOs
- Deployment Planning Deployment Planning
- Resources Resources
- Resources for South African Teams Resources in South Africa
- Meeting Minutes/ InfoTravel Info travel
- Meetings
- Grants Grants
Updates to wiki
Sat 3/21/ 2009 (5:27 pm) Updated Peace Corps Girls' Centers (Mauritania)
Wed 3/18/2009 Met with Luke and organized minutes and put up Meeting with Luke (Build a School)
Mon 3/16/2009 Put up notes from Team Meeting over Dinner 3.16.2009 meeting over dinner
Mon 3/16/2009 Meeting at Cosi at 5:30 pm to talk to OLPC and other teams, put up minutes Meeting with OLPCorps 3-16-09
Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, 3/17 - Meet at 1CC (OLPC)? Waiting to hear back from Seth
- Network and collaborate with other local teams! Probably 5:30 or so. More details to come!
- May 16 at 1 PM at Media Lab Scratch Day at MIT
Meeting with Luke (skpye)
Meeting Minutes organized and posted: Meeting with Luke (Build a School)
Meeting 3/16/09 over dinner
- South Africa and Cameroon Pain de Vie look most promising
- investigate how sustainable the Baseball Academy is (will it last so that our work can have a long-standing impact within the community?)
- If they are, we should commit to the Baseball Academy and start writing the proposal
- Discussion of commitment to the project:
- Mary, Lily, Maddie, Owen, David can pretty much go if proposal is accepted. Janet and Joanne will talk to parents and get back soon.
Noteworthy notes:
(from Meeting 3/16/09 5:30 at Cosi in Kendall square for local OLPCorps teams
Contacts Made
- Dogi (Stefan Unterhauser) <dogi@laptop.org>
- BU team: David Han <dshan@bu.edu> and Anurag Goel <agoel23@gmail.com>
- Pat, BC student, working with BU team: <patrickcapello@gmail.com>
- Seth (seth@laptop.org)
- Deborah Donohue, educator--would like to be contacted about developing educational curriculum. <donohued@worc.k12.ma.us>