runbook in wiki - what ops needs to do when something happens *
- should include backup/restore procedures
- policy for dealing with problematic content
list of machines, where they are located, what they are used for
admins need to be auditable.
status of cluster *
- Don't yet have f5
- Thalia 8 is on hold until after deployment, due to delay in f5
Build processes need to be more resilient *
- jira - builds need to be neutrl wrt machine - versionoing should not depend on who does the build...
Known issues *
- wildcard (coming with 2.1)
- tag search
e-mail with location of meeting notes.
clean up url
Operations plan: *
- runbook by Qing and Hunter
- link to runbook from wiki space
- contact voip people for phone number that sends voicemail to thalia-dev. - Arnis
- need understanding with ops on what monitoring gets done.
- server is up, apache is up, tomcat is up (provide module), alfresco is up (provide url), thalia (give them a url to look for), mySQL? - Hunter/Andrew
- need ops to know who to notify: email thalia-ops@mit.edu
- if it is down, restart service, if it stays down reboot. If it stays down, call us
Support plan: *
- from the app, people should have a link to report a bug
- they need a phone number of e-mail address or access RT queue
- Get a pone number that forwards to team members.
- thalia-support does not have e-mail - put lists under isda-list-admin
- thalia-support for reporting bugs
- thalia-request for requesting domains
- thalia-copyrights for report copyright infringements
- terms of use
- MIT not responsible for content, individuals are responsible for content posted to the service. If we receive reports of copyright infringement,
stopit@mit.edu - copyright question. link to mit policy.
need chron job for backups - jira bug?
User acceptance extended *
- need to get runbook done (Tuesday?)
- get back from ops in a week-ish
- need F5