- Dianne (in OLPC) Sells the solar panels to power XOs. <olpc.auntie.mame@gmail.com> and <Xo@xoexplosion.com>
- John Maloney (media lab group that could help us)
- Nicky Gomez at Sloan
- Paul Commons-- conference call
- To get laptops on loan to play with: Kaitlyn Foley (owen has email) and Mckinsey (set up the list) Meeting with OLPCorps 3-16-09
Contacts Made
- Dogi (Stefan Unterhauser) <dogi@laptop.org>
- David and Anarag: BU steam
- Pat, BC student: <patrickcapello@gmail.com>
- Seth
- Deborah Donohue, educator--would like to be contacted about developing educational curriculum. <donohued@worc.k12.ma.us>
Other people to Contact
- Dianne (in OLPC) Sells the solar panels to power XOs. <olpc.auntie.mame@gmail.com> and <Xo@xoexplosion.com>
- John Maloney (media lab group that could help us)
- Nicky Gomez at Sloan
- Paul Commons-- conference call
- To get laptops on loan to play with: Kaitlyn Foley (owen has email) and Mckinsey (set up the list)
- Peacecorps in Malawi (through Dogi)<climbergurl@gmail.com>
- Cambridge friends school
- Americans Friends Service School
- instedd.org
- Olin University