Meeting 3/16/09 5:30 at Cosi in Kendall square for local OLPCorps teams Minutes Meeting with OLPCorps 3-16-09
Contacts Made
- Dogi (Stefan Unterhauser) <dogi@laptop.org>
- David and Anarag: BU steam
- Pat, BC student: <patrickcapello@gmail.com>
- Seth
- Deborah Donohue, educator--would like to be contacted about developing educational curriculum. <donohued@worc.k12.ma.us>
Other people to Contact
- Dianne (in OLPC) Sells the solar panels to power XOs. <olpc.auntie.mame@gmail.com> and <Xo@xoexplosion.com>
- John Maloney (media lab group that could help us)
- Nicky Gomez at Sloan
- Paul Commons-- conference call
- To get laptops on loan to play with: Kaitlyn Foley (owen has email) and Mckinsey (set up the list)
Meeting with OLPCorps 3-16-09
Contacts Made
- Dogi (Stefan Unterhauser) <dogi@laptop.org>
- David and Anarag: BU steam
- Pat, BC student: <patrickcapello@gmail.com>
- Seth
- Deborah Donohue, educator--would like to be contacted about developing educational curriculum. <donohued@worc.k12.ma.us>
Other people to Contact
- Dianne (in OLPC) Sells the solar panels to power XOs. <olpc.auntie.mame@gmail.com> and <Xo@xoexplosion.com>
- John Maloney (media lab group that could help us)
- Nicky Gomez at Sloan
- Paul Commons-- conference call
- To get laptops on loan to play with: Kaitlyn Foley (owen has email) and Mckinsey (set up the list)
- Peacecorps in Malawi (through Dogi)
- Cambridge friends school
- Americans Friends Service School
- instedd.org
- Olin University
Organizations - Peacecorps in Malawi (through Dogi)
- Cambridge friends school
- Americans Friends Service School
- instedd.org
- Olin University
Tasks at Hand
- Sources of external funding
- Email out to NGOs (we all can do)
- Lesson plans (flexible)
- Hardware details (service updates, repair kits)
- Solicit for donations of items under "extra materials" ie usb cables, extension cords etc.
- Become a group. Donations: some companies only donate for tax purposes (we would need to be an MIT club to be able to use MIT's tax id number). Maybe we could work through GPI or something for this.
- Passports (we all need to have a passport), immunizations (Lily)
Owen has a valid passport