(1) Pain de Vie
Basic Information
Location: Cameroon
Contact: Monique Siewe Wansi
Email: swm2_2@hotmail.com
Team member contact: David Ku
- local population (how many people are in the community that we can reach)
extent of her involvement in the communit With the deployment of XO's, y (would she be able to get more kids involved in the program) - Location: distance from yaoude (would we be working primarily with urban or rural), ease of transportation to this place
- socioeconomic situations of the community
- percentage of urban kids vs rural in her program
- what other programs are in place
- condition of schools, level of attendance and success
- How easily we could contact rural villages and get involvement
- exact location of program
(2) Baseball Township in South Africa
- Problem: Too urban.
Enough of a base of children ( ~100 children to receive laptops?)