This is a group effort to reconsider the reference vision of 2002. We submitted the Reference Vision Progress Report to Steve Gass on Jan. 21, 2009. A group has now convened to develop a new reference vision, more in keeping with current times.
Goals for our group: Talk hypothetically about what reference is and what it means. Think about the big picture of reference in libraries and where it is going, but don't impose any organizational structure on the big picture. Don't define how to implement the vision until after there are decisions about the future state of the Libraries. Write up something that we can either propose from RISG as a new vision, if possible, or can simply include on the wiki for the visioning process so that reference is a service that is considered in the plan for a future state.
Members of Ref Vision 2009 TF: Remlee Green, Stephanie Hartman, Bill Helman, Lisa Horowitz (convenor), Heather McCann, Anita Perkins
Notes for new group to keep in mind when creating reference vision 2009: