Download the Word document here.
Download the zip file with the folders here.
SVN Management for Thalia Quickstart videos:
aA. Get Get access to the SVN:
i I. Find Find someone who can add you to the Moria group "zest-cvs". Mike Gettes can do this.
bB. Install Install SVN client:
i I. MacOSMacOS: SynchroSVN (not free)
ii II. WinWin: Tortoise (free)
cC. Add Add the following folders to your desktop (use folder in attached zip file):
i. TDE I TDE and QDE go inside the red folder; TU and QA go inside the green folder. The zip file contains these folders in the correct arrangement.
dD. Download Download the Training folder from the SVN to both "Training" folders.
e E. Download Download the Quickstarts from the SVN to both "Quickstart" folders.
i I. (Same SVN are downloaded into both sets of folders. After being populated, one set of folders is only for uploading, the other set of folders is only for downloading.)
Make the video:
aA. Create Create the project in Captivate.
i I. Save Save the resulting .cp file to the folder TU.
bB. Publish Publish the video to the folder QDE, overwriting whatever previous version is there.
c C. Proof Proof the video
d D. After After proofing, immediately delete the published file from your TDE folder.3. Upload
Upload the .cp file to the SVN:
aA. SVN SVN location: zest/thalia/training/(appropriate sub-folder)4. Check
Check #1:
aA. Checkout Checkout (download) the .cp file you just uploaded from the SVN to the folder TDE.
b B. Publish Publish the video, again, to folder QDE.
c C. Watch Watch the video, the whole video, carefully.
d D. If If the video is correct, save it to QU, overwriting whatever previous version was there, and commit (upload) to the SVN.5. Upload
Upload the published video to the SVN:
aA. SVN SVN location: zest/thalia/website/Trunk/quickstarts
(do NOT change the folder structure within "quickstarts" folder. You will destroy links in Thalia and in User Help if you do, and no one will love you ever again.)
bB. Report Report to your project manager that the newest .cp project file and published video have been uploaded to the SVN.
cC. Ask Ask your project manager when you may expect to see the video put up on the staging platform.6. Check
Check #2:
aA. After After the video has been uploaded to the staging platform, proof it again.
b B. Access Access the staging platform:, click on the "QUICKSTART" button; find the correct video, and watch it all over again.7. Check
Check #3:
aA. Have Have someone else proof the video.
b B. If If the video is correct, it is ready for release to production.