- Ten Years - Ten Trends – USC Annenberg School, Center for the Digital Future
- DigiCULT's Series of Technology Watch Reports
- The Perfect e-Storm
- LESTER Learning Science and Technology Projects List
- Technology Review's 10 Emerging Technologies to Watch
- Technology Review's 10 Emerging Technologies Followup
- Battelle's Technology Forecasts
- Emerging Technologies Knowledgebase
- time Magazine: 5 New Things That Will Blow Your Mind
Sure, with your cell phone, MP3 player and BlackBerry, you probably think you have enough gadgets in your life. But here are innovations that even the most weary of consumers can appreciate. From a game controller you swing like a racquet to software that can translate your speech into Chinese, a few of the coolest things out there http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1118338,00.html - add your link here ... click on 'edit page'