On this page:
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Technical notes about the project.
\\ SVN svn+ssh://svn.mit.edu/zest/QuickPages DEV SERVERServer: cms-dev-qp1.mit.eduMySQL database: /usr/bin/mysql -u repos -p -D quickpages on localhost
DIRECTORY SETUP Most includes rely on the php.ini include path. Add to your php.ini include_path the path to the dir called quickpages. This is /home/repos/quickpages on dev and production systems.
Parent Directory
QuickPages include directory for libraries
ex.: /home/repos/quickpages
The directory where all the libraries will go. It contains libraries and configuration information. This should not be under DOCROOT, so we may minimize exposure to the outside world. On your own laptop you may put it anywhere you please.
Add the parent directory to php.ini (ex: "/home/repos"). The includes call libraries as "quickpages/..." (ex: require_once("quickpages/lib/QuickPages.php").
child directories:
DKSi's libraries - does not serve content - corresponds to svn.mit.edu/zest/QuickPages/siteinasitting-1.0
lib/ our QuickPages libraries - corresponds to svn.mit.edu/zest/QuickPages/lib templates/the page templates - corresponds to svn.mit.edu/zest/QuickPages/siteinasitting/templates wizards/ DKSi create and edit wizards - corresponds to svn.mit.edu/zest/QuickPages/siteinasitting/ DOCROOT your webserver docroot
sites/Create this directory and make it writeable. It's where user sites will be stored.
(optional) logs/
I set my httpd.conf to log QP stuff separately. Create the dir and make it writeable if you use it.
www/ The directory our pages are served from - manage.php, index.php, etc. - not maintained by DKSi
If you're running unit tests ( if??? when!!!), add these under docroot. Simpletest is a copy of the Simpeltest libraries (see www.simpletest.org) . unittests/ are our unit tests written for this project.
Other SVN directories
sqlsql scripts for creating the database, etc.
mockupsgraphic design materials
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