- Arjun arrives at noon in Lilongwe
- Check in to Hueglins hotel at 1 p.m.
- Meet with Angela Mojo at 3 p.m.
- Meet with Angela Mojo and Wesley in the evening
- (Follow up with any government contacts)
- Meet with Clinton Foundation couple - need to email
Mon 26 Jan (KusunguKasungu)
- 8.00 a.m. meet with BERL & Wesley
- Meet USAID - organize
- Drive to Kusungu Kasungu - leave at 1 p.m.
- Check into Kusungu Kasungu Inn at 4 p.m.
27 Jan (KusunguKasungu)
- Meet Albert/James at MLF HQ in Kusungu and understand Microventure model + discuss biofuel business models (get in touch with them)
- Meet any local loan groups and loan officers
- Meet any other relevant organisations in Kusungu?
Wed 28 Jan (KusunguKasungu)
- Drive to Mzuzu or Nkhota Khota with a loan officer to visit the loan groups
- GETS VERY DARK AT NIGHT SO GIVE YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME TO GET BACK from the villages - leave early in the morning and get back by 7 p.m.
- WANT TO AVOID PUBLIC TRANSPORT - rent a car at the airport
- MLF will provide a translator to us
- get a sim card at airport
- Get cipro (antibiotic)
- Flashlight (in case of a power cut)
- Camera
- Get insecticide spray with DEET
- clothing - khaki pants, boots, cap - it will be rainy season so likely to be wet and muddy
- HIV rampant
- Buy gifts for people there
- Convert money
- Andre will arrive in Lilongwe the night of the 17th while Arjun will be there the night of the 24th. Both will leave on the 31st of Jan.
- That means Andre will be there for 14 days and Arjun will be there for 7 days.
- Lodging info - once we give David an itinerary - MLF in Malawi will make the necessary bookings at hotels
- Which village(s) to visit? - MLF will organise - they will all be day trips
- Transportation
- Both have received the required shots (yellow fever?, hep A?) for the trip
- Both have received the medication for Malaria?