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Wiki Markup
h2. Build 2: Apr 5


Theme: stabilize POC, begin runtime web app design


WF: make simple case really work


form/templates: automate conversion/import of existing content via script for a meaningful subset of real content; figure out structure of web project WRT to src/gen files


ITinfo: preview; prototype Prod Info


runtime: first whack at


 webapp design 

for future:


 begin authN  w/certs; synch w/Alf re: link mgmt; understand deployment


h2. Build 3: Apr 19


Theme: dig into runtime web app


WF: box it up \-\- figure out what we know, what we need, and make Alf do the rest


forms/templates: automate conversion of website



ITinfo: write up types of documents; putting articles into normal content tree \[not done\]


runtime: have business requirements sorted; \[done\] have plan for add-on projects (scope v1 vs future); have a first-pass runtime web app for simple cases \[not done\]


deployment: stopgap deployment so we can start to test web app w/content (get runtime system setup) \[not done\]


testing: a simple smoke test; process for integration, testing, roll-out. Staging is our integration point, yet it is also the "ready to deploy" point. How do we do this? \[ not done\]


h2. Build 4: May 3


Theme: find a solution to ITinfo


WF: n/a


forms/templates: continue automated conversion


ITinfo: find a solution to filtering/searching for ITinfo items both at preview time & runtime


runtime: get runtime system setup


other: n/a


h2. Build 5: May 17


Theme: get the runtime app (web server) going on ISDA-IST1, upgrade to Alf 2.01


WF: check in small changes to pooled & parallet WFs


forms/templates: get existing stuff working in 2.01; -refine migrated content to go to "general" template when feasible; 


 develop new templates at the next level





  - -get a representation of the topic hierarchy (with numbers and names) as a static tree (later make it dynamic)


  - -in migration, turn keyword string in to separate field values; watch out for character issues w/encodings\*


runtime:  design & implement first-pass runtime web app on Tomcat

deployment: stopgap deployment so we can start to test web app w/content 

infrastructure: migrate to Alf 2.01 (partial)

Build 6: May 31 June 7

Theme: more Alf 2.01 integration, real web app & deployment

Task List:


Wiki Markup


  - describe all types of documents besides Stock Answers & Prod Info; -start putting articles into normal content tree-

runtime:  -design & implement first-pass runtime web app on Tomcat-

deployment: -stopgap deployment so we can start to test web app w/content -

infrastructure: migrate to Alf 2.01 (partial)

h2. Build 6: -May 31- June 7

*Theme:* more Alf 2.01 integration, real web app & deployment

*Task List:*
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*{color} Forms/Templates: refine migration scripts to port content to "general" template when feasible, first pass
* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} -Forms/Templates:


Wiki Markup


- _-develop new  two column template for current pages-_
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*{color} Forms/Templates:  investigate ( design?) a template between "blob" and "general" which has header+footer+left   nav+right blob - investigation showed little utility for a midway template.
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Content Migration: develop scripts to identify pages


 which are  blue-box, redirects, news or otherwise questionable for


Wiki Markup


* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Content


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


 Migration: work with Publications side to eliminate pages which are not going to move on to new design.
* !!{color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*{color} Content Migration: Update wget of IS&T site on bi-weekly basis and run scripts to capture changes from step above as well as new pages
* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


{color} {color:#000000}ITinfo:


Wiki Markup


 get a representation of the topic hierarchy (with numbers and names) as a static xml tree (later make it dynamic){color}
** !! {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


Wiki Markup


{color} {color:#000000}Step 1: put hierarchy into JSP in a form that ALfresco web forms can use as a drop-down list.{color}
**  {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


Wiki Markup
*\[Steve\] \[Joe\] \[Catherine\]*


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup
*\[Craig\] \[DaveT\]*


Wiki Markup
*-\[DaveT\] \[Hunter\]-*


Wiki Markup


  • Wiki Markup
    create impl ** will need to be refactored, as it is not going to be done in one build


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup
* \[Joe\]*


Wiki Markup
* \[Joe\]*


{color} {color:#000000}-ITinfo: separate into a pure XML document and a JSP that reads this and formats it for ALfresco web forms-{color}
* !! {color:#ff0000}*<unnecessary>*{color} {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*{color} {color:#000000}\-{color}{color:#000000}-ITinfo:-{color} -&nbsp;in migration, turn keyword string in to separate field values; watch out for character issues w/encodings\-- &nbsp;&nbsp;
* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*{color} {color:#000000}I{color}{color:#000000}-tinfo: Verify that Google search either uses the keyword string as-is or ignores keywords completely (in which case&nbsp;we may decide to discard keyword data)-{color}
* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*{color} {color:#000000}-ITinfo:-{color} -start putting articles into normal content tree-
* !!{color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*{color} {color:#000000}ITinfo:{color} document how to do content export
* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\] \[Joe\] \[Catherine\]*{color} -Runtime:- {color:#000000}-layout high level architecture of webapp (Spring, MVC, security, sub-components, etc.) & assign areas-{color}
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Joe\]*{color} {color:#000000}Runtime: Create svn module for runtime app as a Netbeans project{color}
* {color:#006600}*\[Craig\] \[DaveT\]*{color} {color:#000000}-advise on use of Acegi in app-{color}
* {color:#006600}*-\[DaveT\]&nbsp;\[Hunter\]-*{color} {color:#000000}-Runtime: develop Acegi implementations of Moira lists for access control (may involve a web service. Or not)&nbsp;-{color} {color:#000000}WE CAN USE LDAP{color}** {color:#006600}*-\[Hunter\]-*{color} {color:#000000}-set up supporting db or other infrastructure-{color}
** {color:#006600}*-\[DaveT\]-*{color} {color:#000000}-create impl \*\* will need to be refactored, as it is not going to be done in one build-{color}
* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*{color} {color:#000000}-Runtime: implement assigned areas-{color} -\*\*- {color:#000000}-will need to be refactored, as it is not going to be done in one build-{color}
* {color:#006600}*\[Joe\]*{color} {color:#000000}-Runtime: implement assigned areas-{color} -\*\*- {color:#000000}-will need to be refactored, as it is not going to be done in one build-{color}
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Joe,*{color} {color:#006600}*Hunter*{color}{color:#006600}*\]*{color} Deployment: {color:#000000}deploy-to-filesystem{color}
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Joe\]*{color} {color:#000000}design deployment approach for runtime{color}
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Hunter\]*{color} {color:#000000}Set up apache, tomcat, smb on isda-ist1{color}
* {color:#ff0000}*-\[Who?\]-*{color} -Testing: a simple smoke test to see if "build" is broken-
* !! {color:#ff0000}*\[Who?\]*{color} Testing:&nbsp;define a process for integration, testing, roll-out. Staging is our integration point, yet it is also the "ready to deploy" point. How do we do this?
* !! {color:#006600}*&nbsp;\[Joe\]*{color} {color:#000000}Infrastructure:&nbsp;Continue to integrate 2.0.1 on isda-cs1{color}
* !! {color:#006600}*&nbsp;\[Joe\]*{color} {color:#000000}Fix/workaround bugs{color} {color:#000000}[]{color}{color:#000000},{color} {color:#000000}[]{color}{color:#000000},{color} {color:#000000}[


93]{color}{color:#000000}, and{color} {color:#000000}[


* !https://









{color} New IA Migration


Detailed Release Notes:

Build 7: June 21

Theme: real web app, real deployment, ready to test?


{color:#000000}:&nbsp;create JSP to consume&nbsp;RSS feed{color}

*Detailed Release Notes:*

h2. Build 7: June 21

Theme: real web app, real deployment, ready to test?
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Forms/Templates: refine migration scripts to port content to "general" template when feasible\- First round of general template migration


* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} -Forms/


Templates:- _-develop new&nbsp; two column template for current pages-_
* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Content Migration: work with Publications side to eliminate pages which are not going to move on to new design.\- work ongoing\- new lists distributed June 20 for blue-box, redirects and non-conforming pages


* !! {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color}Content Migration: Update wget of IS&T site on bi-weekly basis and run scripts to capture changes from step above as well as new pages\- wget from June 9 analyzed and migrated.


* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Forms/Templates: analysis of new web page design to begin creation of xsd/xsl pairs - Work begun.


{dynamictasklist:Build 7 June 21}

h2. Build 8: July


Theme: ready for migration 



Theme: ready for migration&nbsp;
* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color}Forms/Templates: refine migration scripts to port content to "general" template when feasible\- second


* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Forms/Templates:


 _develop new&nbsp; two column template for current pages_
* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Content Migration: Update wget of IS&T site on bi-weekly basis and run scripts to capture changes from step above as well as new pages\- wget from June 9 analyzed and migrated.


* {color:#006600}*\[Ann-Patrice\]*


{color} Forms/Templates: analysis of new web page design to begin creation of xsd/xsl pairs - next round (To be specified in more detail)


* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\


]*{color} {color:#000000}ITinfo: get a representation of the topic hierarchy (with numbers and names) as a static xml tree (later make it


** &nbsp;{color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


{color} {color:#000000}ITinfo: separate into a pure XML document and a JSP that reads this and formats it for ALfresco web


* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


{color} {color:#000000}ITinfo:{color} start putting "news" and "articles" into normal content


** !!\[Ann-Patrice\] make forms for "news" and "articles"


** \[Steve\] scripts to export data & format into xml, ready to load


** \[Steve\] load data into alfresco, to be managed via webform


* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


{color} {color:#000000}Itinfo: Verify that Google search either uses the keyword string as-is or ignores keywords completely (in


 which case&nbsp;we may decide to discard keyword data){color}
* {color:#006600}*\[Steve\


]*{color} {color:#000000}Helpdesk questions:{color}
** {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


{color} {color:#000000}what about Top 5? what is the


** {color:#006600}*\[Steve


\]*{color} {color:#000000}Help desk portal page - determine features, integration points{color}
** {color:#006600}*\[Steve\]*


{color} {color:#000000}Find out how Help Desk Wiki will get articles into Alfresco{color}
* {color:#006600}*\[Joe\]*


{color} {color:#000000}make .htaccess emulation work for ordinary



* {color:#ff0000}*\[Who?\]*


{color} Testing: a simple smoke test to see if "build" is broken