h2. Description
*Hierarchy of Models* [Model Hierarchy]*
{pagetree:root=Hierarchy of Models}Model Hierarchy|reverse=true}
h2. Description and Assumptions
This model is appliesapplicable to a single [point particle] subject to an external forceacceleration that is constrained to one dimension and which is either parallel to or antiparallelanti-parallel to the particle's initial velocity. {excerpt}
{warning}This model is rarely used (see "Problem Cues" below). Before trying to work out the integrals, please check if any of the sub-models are applicable.{warning}
h2. Problem Cues
In practice, this model is only useful when a one-dimensional acceleration is given that has a _known_ time dependence that is _not_ sinusoidal. If the acceleration is constant, the sub-model [One-Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration|1-D Motion (Constant Acceleration)] should be used. If the acceleration is sinusoidal (described by a sine, cosine, or sum of the two), the sub-model [Simple Harmonic Motion] should be used. Thus, in practice, the problem cue for this model is that the acceleration will be given as an explicit and integrable function of time, most often a polynomial (the acceleration might also be plotted as a linear function of time).
|| Page Contents ||
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h2. AssumptionsPrerequisite and LimitationsKnowledge
h4. Prior Models
* Link to model pages that should be learned before this model.[1-D Motion (Constant Velocity)]
* [1-D Motion (Constant Acceleration)]
h4. Vocabulary
* [frame of reference]
* [position (one-dimensional)]
* [velocity]
* [acceleration]
h2. Model Specification
h4. *System Structure*
h4. Constituents
*Internal Constituents:* Point particle.
*Environment:* external agents interacting with the particle which are the responsible of the *real* forces acting *on* the particle. The total external force must be parallel or anti-parallel to the paticle's initial velocityA single [point particle|point particle] (or a system treated as a point particle with position specified by the center of mass).
h4. Descriptors
*ObjectState Variables:* none
*State Variables:* Time (_t_), position (_x_) , and velocity (_v_).
*Interaction Variables:* acceleration _a_.----
h2. Interactions
h4. LawsRelevant of InteractionTypes
AnySome time-varying external forceinfluence which magnitudethat is notconfined constant.to Possible forces are forces that depends on time, on the particle's position or on the particle's velocity.
\\one dimension.
h4. Interaction Variables
Acceleration (_a_(_t_)).
h2. Model
h4. Laws of Change
Differential Forms:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \frac{dv}{large}$x(t_f) = x(t_i) + \int_{t_i}^{t_f} v(t)dt $ or in differential form $ v(t) = \frac{dx(t)}{dt} $ dt} = a\]\end{large}{latex}\\
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \frac{dx}{dt} = v\]\end{large}{latex}\\
Integral Forms:
{latex}\begin {large}$v\[ v(t_f) = v(t_i{0}) +\int_{t_i{0}}^{t_f} a\;dt\]\end{large}{latex}\\
{latex}\begin{large}\[ x(t)dt$ or in differential form $ a(t) =\frac{dv(t)}{dt}$ = x(t_{0})+\int_{t_{0}}^{t} v\;dt\]\end{large}{latex}
h2. Diagrammatical Representations
* Acceleration versus time graph.
* Velocity versus time graph.
* Position versus time graph.
h2. Relevant Examples
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