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Mechanical Energy and Non-Conservative


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h2. Description

{td:align=center|bgcolor=#F2F2F2}*[Model Hierarchy]*
{pagetree:root=Model Hierarchy|reverse=true}
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h2. Assumed Knowledge

h4. Prior Models

h4. Vocabulary
Internal Forces
External Forces
Conservative Forces
Non-conservative forces

h2. Model Specification

This model is applicable to a system of one or more [point particles/point particle] or [rigid objects|rigid object] subject to the influence of external [non-conservative forces]. (..implications of  internal-conservative forces)

h4. System Structure

Internal Constituents:  One or more [Point particles|point particle] or [rigid objects|rigid object].
Environment:   [External forces|external force] that do non-conservative work because these are one of the forces that can change the mechamical energy. (The internal non - conservative forces also change the mechanical energy).

h4. Descriptors

Object Variables:  Mass or moment of inertia for each object about a given axis of rotation, (_m{_}{^}j^) or (_I{~}Q{~}_), (?the spring constant of applicable)

State Variables:   Kinetic energy for each element of the system and the potential energy of the system. (? Or alternatively, linear speed or angular speed, (_v{_}{^}j^) or (_w{^}j{^}) for each object inside the system and the position of each of the objects in the system).

Interaction Variables:   External forces (_F{_}{~}ext,k~) or, alternately, the work done by the external forces on the system (here the internal non-conservative interactions are important- do we define them here?).

h4. Laws of Interaction

{latex}\begin{large}$ $\end{large}{latex}

h4. Laws of Change

{large} $E_{f} = \vec{p}_{\rm system,i} + W_{i,f}^{ext} $\end{large}
where _W{^}ext{^}{~}i,f{~}_ is the [work] done by the all the external forces on the system between the initial state defined by _E{~}i{~}_ and the final state defined by _E{~}f{~}_ and is give by
{latex}\begin{large}$ W_{i,f}^{ext} = \int_{i}^{f} \sum \vec{F}^{ext} . d\vec_r  $ \end{large}{latex}