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<p><a href="http://mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/touchstone/"><strong>MIT Touchstone</strong></a></p>
<p><a href="http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/"><strong>Shibboleth® at Internet 2</strong></a></p>
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<p>In order to make your application use MIT Touchstone, or Shibboleth, for authentication, several steps have to be performed.
MIT Information Services offers consulting services to make this process easier. However, many people at MIT are able to perform
each of these simple steps with minimal intervention from IS&T.
The boxes below are intended to help guide you through your configuration.
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Installing, or building, the Shibboleth SP software for your system
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Shibboleth SP version information
IS&T is currently supporting customers intending to use Shibboleth 1.3x. We expect to start supporting Shibboleth 2.x based SPs
in the late Spring of 2009.
<p><strong>Using installers:</strong></p>
RPMs are available from Internet2 for <a href="http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/downloads/shibboleth/cppsp/1.3.1/RPMS/i386/RHE/">RHEL><strong>RHEL 4 and 5</strong></a>.
You will typically need the 5 main RPMs: log4shib, opensaml, shibboleth, xerces-c, xml-security-c.
You should normally skip the -devol, -debug, and -doc RPMs from the Internet2 RPM download site.
If your system does not already have curl installed, you will need to install it (via the stock RHEL RPM).
An installer for <a href="http://shibboleth.internet2.edu/downloads/shibboleth/cppsp/1.3.1/win32/">IIS</a> is also available from Internet2.
Some other Linux distributions also maintain binary installers available from the OS distribution point. If you have questions
about other distributions please contact touchstone-support and indicate what operating distribution and version you are using.
<p><strong>Building from source:</strong></p>
The Touchstone team maintains a
<a href="http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/touchstone/shibboleth/source/shibboleth-sp-sources.tgz">source tarball</a>
of tbe Shibboleth SP, including all of
its immediate prerequisites (curl, log4shib, xerces-c, xml-security-c, and opensaml),
and a script to perform the entire build, in the touchstone locker,
in /mit/touchstone/shibboleth/source/shibboleth-sp-sources.tgz.
The script can build the software on Linux and Solaris systems; note that you will to need to have
Apache httpd (preferably 2.x, though 1.3 should also work) and OpenSSL (0.9.7 or higher) installed
on the system, including their development packages. On Solaris systems, you must have the native
Sun C/C++ compiler installed; Athena Solaris machines have this available, via attachandrun scripts
and the sunsoft locker, but this requires that you have AFS tokens for the athena cell. Solaris machines
must also have GNU make (gmake) installed.
To build from this, create a build directory, and unpack the source tarball into it; use the build-sp.sh script as follows:
# sh build/build-sp.sh [-a <apxs_path>] [-p <install_prefix>] [-s openssl_prefix]
The -a option argument is the path to the Apache apxs executable, e.g. /usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs
(defaults to using the apxs in the PATH). The -p option specifies the install prefix
(defaults to /usr/local/shibboleth). The -s option specifies the install location of the version of
OpenSSL you want to build against, e.g. /usr/local/ssl (defaults to finding OpenSSL in standard system library locations).
Once you have built the software successfully, you will need to configure and customize it for use.
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Configuration and customization for use
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The gen-shib.sh procedure described below currently works only on Linux and Solaris systems; it should be portable to other UNIX-based systems without too much effort.
When you have successfully built and installed the Shibboleth SP, you will need to configure
things to work against our test and pilot IdPs. We have some template files and a script in
AFS (the touchstone locker) to generate the needed config files from the templates: cd to
shibboleth's etc directory ($prefix/etc/shibboleth), and copy in the following files
from /mit/touchstone/shibboleth/config/shibboleth-sp/ (or just copy all files from the directory):
On Solaris, also copy:
<li>shibd.in </li>
Then run the gen-shib.sh script:
sh ./gen-shib.sh
and answer its prompts, which will hopefully be clear. <strong>Remember that the certificate it wants should be
enabled for client as well as server use.</strong> Any MIT server certificates that have been created after July of 2008
will be enabled for client as well as server use.
The $prefix/etc/shibboleth directory will contain apache.config, apache2.config, and apache22.config, which contain needed
and example directives for Apache 1.3, Apache 2.0, and Apache 2.2, respectively; copy and/or include the appropriate file
in your Apache config, and customize as needed. The directory also contains a shibd init script for Red Hat (shibd-redhat)
and Debian (shibd-debian) systems. On Red Hat machines, copy shibd-redhat to /etc/init.d/shibd, make sure it is executable,
add it as a managed service with "chkconfig --add shibd", and enable it for run levels 3, 4, and 5 ("chkconfig --level 345 shibd on").
On Solaris machines, the gen-shib.sh script will generate a shibd init script (from shibd.in); this should be installed
into /etc/init.d, and configured to start at boot time, <strong>after</strong> httpd has started.
shibd is a daemon that must be running, so make sure it is started at boot time, after Apache httpd has been started.
The Shibboleth Apache module logs by default to $prefix/var/log/httpd/native.log. <strong>This file must be writable by Apache</strong>,
which may require that you set its directory's ownership and/or permissions to allow write access by the user Apache is
configured to run under. You may also choose to change the location of the file, by modifying the log4j.appender.native_log.fileName
setting in $prefix/etc/shibboleth/native.logger.
For information on configuring Shibboleth to protect content, see
the <a href="https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/SHIB/SPProtectionConfig">Shibboleth wiki</a> at Internet2, as well as
the information in the sections below.
You will probably also want to customize the error pages and support contact information listed in the Errors element
in $prefix/etc/shibboleth/shibboleth.xml (search for "You should customize these pages!"), e.g.:
<Errors session="/usr/local/shibboleth/etc/shibboleth/sessionError.html"
The pages are used as follows:
displayed if a session cannot be created after successful authentication,
for example if shibd is not running. In a standard configuration, you can
force this page to be displayed by visiting the server's /Shibboleth.sso location, e.g.:
displayed in certain cases where there is no valid metadata
for an identity provider. This should not happen using our
standard configuration; it should only be possible when
using the Artifact profile, or "lazy sessions", and there
is a configuration problem. You can force the page to be
displayed by visiting:
displayed when an exception occurs when exporting assertions into
request headers. This indicates a software problem, and should
not happen.
displayed for access control failures. This should only
happen if you have access control directives in the Apache
configuration for your Shibboleth-protected content. You
can force the page to be displayed by adding an access
control directive that is certain to fail, for example
"require NoSuchAlias" (remember to remove this configuration
when you have completed testing).
displayed when a POST is attempted using http instead of https,
and RedirectToSSL is in effect. This should not happen on a
properly configured server.
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Example code and configuration information for third party applications
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We have some pointers to example code written in various lanaguages. We do expect the examples to increase
over time. We are also creating some local documentation that covers the configuration of third party software.
However, users are encouraged to look at resources outside of MIT as well. If you do find useful information please
do bring it to our attention.
Some simple examples:
<a href="http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/TOUCHSTONE/Sample+Source+Code+-+The+SAML+Assertion">Display</a> the results of the SAML assertion in various languages.
Third party applications:
<a href="https://wikis-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/confluence/display/TOUCHSTONE/Drupal">Drupal</a>
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Support Resources
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<td class="border-b"> <p><strong>Consulting Services:</strong></p>
Consulting service may be arranged by sending mail to touchstone-support. This will open an RT case
and a person will be assigned to work with you.
<p>We are intending to offer some hands on training during IAP 2009. Space will be limited. The time
and location has yet been determined.
<p><strong>Who to Contact:</strong></p>
Web: <a href="http://mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/touchstone">MIT Touchstone</a><br>
Email: <a href="mailto:touchstone-support@mit.edu">touchstone-support@mit.edu<br>
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