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titleOn This Page
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How Do I Check Out an Eclipse Project from SVN?


In Eclipse, go to the SVN Repositories window and:

  1. Go to idd-svn > projectyouwant > trunk
  2. Right-click trunk and select Check out

You will then need to configure the project's local site settings:

Wiki Markup
{panel:title=On This Page} {toc:type=list\|style=none\|indent=2em\|separator=pipe} {panel} h1. How Do I Check Out an Eclipse Project from SVN? {panel:borderStyle=none|bgColor=#ffffff} In Eclipse, go to the SVN Repositories window and: # Go to idd-svn > projectyouwant > trunk # Right-click trunk and select *Check out* You will then need to configure the project's local site settings: # Create a new directory called site under the project's top level # Copy the files in site-template into it # Edit site/ ## Change the authentication.user to your kerbname ## Set sf2_passwd value to your cert public key string: ### In your browser, go to [
  1. Create a new directory called site under the project's top level
  2. Copy the files in site-template into it
  3. Edit site/
    1. Change the authentication.user to your kerbname
    2. Set sf2_passwd value to your cert public key string:
      1. In your browser, go to
] ###
      1. Copy
      1. the
      1. text
      1. just
      1. after
      1. -
      1. --
      1. -
      1. -
      1. -
      1. until
      1. you
      1. reach
      1. the
      1. last
      1. -----ENDCERTIFICATE-
      1. ---
\- ###
      1. Paste
      1. this
      1. as
      1. the
      1. value
      1. for
      1. sf2_passwd
      1. (this
      1. is
      1. your
      1. cert
      1. public
      1. key)
    1. Change
    1. c:/dev
    1. in
    1. r3props
    1. to
    1. your
    1. workspace
    1. directory,
    1. e.g.
    1. c:/workspace/mortar/tools/
  1. Edit
  1. site/;
  1. Log4j
  1. will
  1. output
  1. to
  1. your
  1. eclipse
  1. console
  1. and
  1. to
  1. a
  1. file
    1. Change
    1. the
    1. F1.File
    1. property
    1. to
    1. point
    1. to
    1. where
    1. you
    1. want
    1. your
    1. log
    1. file
    1. to go

How Do I Use sap2java to Generate Proxies for an SAP RFC?

go {panel} h1. How Do I Use sap2java to Generate Proxies for an SAP RFC? {panel:borderStyle=none|bgColor=#ffffff}
Wiki Markup

# Check out or update the sap2java Eclipse project.
# In the sap2java project, open package *src/com/sap/bapi/mapper*. Right-click on class, *testSAP2Java*, and select *Run As...* from the context menu.
# Create a new Java Application run profile for testSAP2Java or open its previously created profile, then select the *Arguments* tab.
# In the *Program arguments* text area, enter the following lines of information:
* target source code directory (wrapped in double-quotes), e.g., "$\{workspace_loc\}/myproject/src"
* package into which the generated classes will be written, e.g.,
* name of the RFC for which Java data object classes will be generated, e.g., Z_UT_MY_RFC
panel} {
center}Example screen shot
{center} !sap2java-run.gif|thumbnail,align=center,width=122px,height=106px!

# Click the "Run" button.  The Java data object classes are generated.  You may need to refresh your project to see the change.