http://www.jatrophabiodiesel.org/business-with-biodiesel.php - JATROPHA BIODIESEL AS A BUSINESS - THEY SELL BUSINESS PLANS
http://www.jatrophabiodiesel.org/business-with-oil.php - JATROPHA OIL AS A BUSINESS
http://www.jatrophabiodiesel.org/business-with-farming.php - JATROPHA FARMING AS A BUSINESS
Indian Biofuels Awareness Centre - offers ebook and courses on jatropha
An Electricity Generating set is now commissioned in the same village. The engine runs on 100% Jatropha Oil (Not Diesel or BioDiesel blend). It lights up Two Electric Bulbs each, in 50 houses of the village. It is a new experiance for the villager's in their life time.