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  1. Federation Participant Information
    1. The InCommon Participant Operational Practices information below is for:
      InCommon Participant organization name _ Massachusetts Institute of Technology_
      The information below is accurate as of this date _ October, 2006_
    2. Identity Management and/or Privacy information
      Additional information about the Participant's identity management practices and/or privacy policy regarding personal information can be found on-line at the following location(s).
      URL(s) _ TBD_: none at this time
    3. Contact information
      The following person or office can answer questions about the Participant's _ _ identity management system or resource access management policy or practice.
      Name: Paul B. Hill
      Title or role: Consulting Architect within Information Services and Technology
      Email address:
      Phone: (617) 253-0124 FAX: (617) 258-8736
  2. Credential Provider Information
    The most critical responsibility that a Credential Provider Participant has to the Federation is to provide trustworthy and accurate identity assertions. ^ ^ It is important for a Resource Provider to know how your electronic identity credentials are issued and how reliable the information associated with a given credential (or person) is known.
    2.1If you are a Credential Provider, how do you define the set of people who are eligible to receive an electronic identity? If exceptions to this definition are allowed, who must approve such an exception?
    MIT faculty, students and staff are entitled to obtain MIT credentials. These are in the form of Kerberos principals, X.509 Certificates, and MIT ID Cards. Additionally a sponsored guest account is available to any voucher or temp employee working for an MIT department. Guests and visitors who are working on Institute projects in a way that requires an MIT electronic identity are also eligible for a sponsored guest account. Finally, former MIT students or staff who are continuing their work with their department for a period of time after their departure can have their account sponsored by their supervisor.
     Accounts can be sponsored by any current member of the MIT faculty or staff. Students are currently not eligible to sponsor guest accounts. An account's sponsor will be the primary contact for problems related to the account and renewal questions.

2.2 "Member of Community"^ ^ is an assertion that might be offered to enable access to resources made available to individuals who participate in the primary mission of the university or organization. For example, this assertion might apply to anyone whose affiliation is "current student, faculty, or staff."
What subset of persons registered in your identity management system would you identify as a "Member of Community" in Shibboleth identity assertions to other InCommon participants?
We view "Member of Community" as a broad category that includes all holders of a valid MIT Kerberos ID or X.509certificate. In addition to faculty, staff, and students, this will include visiting scholars, contractors, and voucher employees. It will not includes people that have an MIT ID number but do not have a valid MIT Kerberos principal or X.509 certificate.
 We are able to provide finer granularity for other negotiated assertions.

Electronic Identity Credentials
2.3 Please describe in general terms the administrative process used to establish an electronic identity that results in a record for that person being created in your electronic identity database? Please identify the_ _office(s) of record for this purpose. For example, "Registrar's Office for students; HR for faculty and staff."
The office of record is the Registrar's Office.

When a student is accepted, an acceptance package is sent to the student. The acceptance package includes a unique six word pass phrase that the student must use, in addition to their MIT ID number to complete the account registration process. At that time the account will appear as an affiliate. Later in the process, the account will be transitioned from MIT Affiliate to MIT Student. Picture based identity proofing is later performed when the MIT ID Card is issued to the student.
Faculty and Staff:
The office of record is Human Resources.

It is possible for new hires to obtain MIT computer credentials prior to their date of hire. However the account will be marked as an affiliate until the starting date of record has occurred. At that time the account will transition from MIT Affiliate to MIT Employee. Identity proofing with third party picture IDs is performed when an MIT ID Card is issued.

The office of record is Information Services and Technologies.

A sponsored guest account is required for voucher or temp staff, former students or staff who are no longer eligible but need continuing access to their account, as well as visitors who need an MIT electronic identity.
Accounts can be sponsored by any current member of the MIT faculty or staff. Students are currently not eligible to sponsor guest accounts. An account's sponsor will be the primary contact for problems related to the account and renewal questions."

Guest accounts are valid for up to two years and are easily renewable with approval of the account's sponsor.

The sponsor is able to provide the information about the guest via an authenticated self service web form. The guest will then be contact via email and given instructions on how to complete the account registration process. Holders of guest accounts are not necessarily issued MIT ID Cards.

2.4 What technologies are used for your electronic identity credentials (e.g. Kerberos, userID/password, PKI, ...) that may be used with InCommon actions? If more than one type of electronic credential is issued, how is it determined who receives which type? If multiple credentials are linked, how is this managed (e.g. anyone with a Kerberos credential also can acquire a PKI credential) and recorded?
