- 3d printed vertebrae (C1-C7) connected via ball and socket joints
- 6 foam disks made of high density polyurethane foam (has similar Young’s modulus as an intervertebral disk)
- We need to decide how the disks are going to be cut
- Primary tool - laser cutter. Check if the foam can be cut (regulations), and if possible, does the laser burn the foam when cutting.
- Secondary tool - waterjet. May involve drying out the foam (ensure properties are not modified) after cutting.
- Hot wire is also an option.
- Possibly use cricket?
- Force sensor between C1 and C2, C6 and C7
- Foam disks connect vertebrae via glue
- superglue
- Force sensor layer is between foam disks (total thickness should be the same - cut normal foam disk into half)