h1. Lecture 13
*Clapeyron equation*
The [Clausius-Clapeyron relation|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clausius-Clapeyron_equation] was introduced for one-component systems. It can be used to calculate the shift in [transition|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_transition] temperature.
<math> \frac{dT}{dY_j} = \frac{- \Delta X_j}{\Delta S} </math>
Below this is written in terms of the [enthalpy|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthalpy] difference
<math> \frac{dT}{dY_j} = \frac{-T \Delta X_j}{\Delta H} </math>
The above equation could be generalized in terms of any two conjugate pairs, with a phase curve relating their [intensive variables|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intensive_quantity].
<math> \frac{dY_i}{dY_j} = \frac{- \Delta X_j}{\Delta X_i} </math>
Imagine two [phases|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_%28matter%29], a high temperature phase, <math>P</math>, and a low temperature, matensite phase, <math>M</math>. The martensite phase is larger in one direction, and this fact can be used to control the [free energy|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibb%27s_free_energy] difference. Look at the equations of energy and find a differential relating length, [force|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force], and free energy.
<math> dU = ... + F dl </math>
<math> G = U -TS + PV -Fl </math>
<math>l = \left (\frac{-\partial G}{\partial F} \right )_{T,P,...}</math>
The derivative of free energy with respect to force is equal to the length. A larger length corresponds to a larger decrease in free energy with the application of force. This fact can be used to influence phase transition. When the states of a sample are close in free energy, elongation could be induced by a phase transition. The martensite phase would decrease more in free energy, and there could be a transition from the <math>P</math> phase to the <math>M</math> phase.
Imagine a sample at temperature <math>T</math> between <math>T_o</math> and <math>T(F)</math>. With the application of a force, there can be a phase transition. We would want a fairly reversible transition in a useful temperature range.
This example is based on a one-dimensional change. In three dimensions, there would be a change in [crystal symmetry|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_symmetry], and all lattice vectors would change. Calculations would involve more than one crystal and would be more complicated.
*Example calculation*
Calculate how much [stress|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stress_%28physics%29] is needed to be applied to induce a phase transition.
<math> T_o = 300 K</math>
<math> \Delta H = 300 \frac{J}{mol \cdot K}</math>
<math> \Delta \epsilon = -0.075 </math>
Below is a Clausius-Clapeyron equation, and the [extensive variables|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensive_variable] are changed to intensive quantities.
<math> \frac{dF}{dT} = \frac{- \Delta S}{\Delta l} </math>
<math> \Delta l = \Delta \epsilon l </math>
<math> \frac{1}{A} \left ( \frac{dF}{dT} \right ) = \frac{1}{A} \left ( \frac{- \Delta S}{\Delta \epsilon l} \right )</math>
<math> \frac{d \sigma}{dT} = \frac{- \Delta S}{\Delta \epsilon V} </math>
<math> \frac{d \sigma}{dT} = 1.66 \frac{MPa}{K} </math>
It is important to stay in the elastic regime. [Plastic deformation|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deformation] is an [irreversible process|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irreversibility]. Plastic deformation in metals usually occurs at a few hundred MPa, so in the example above, there could be a phase transition before plastic deformation. It's important to push the temperature from <math>T_o</math> far enough to avoid random transitions due to temperature fluctuations. With a <math>\Delta T</math> value of <math>20^\circ </math>, <math>33 Mpa</math> would need to be applied.
The amount of stress needed to be added to the induce a phase transition is very temperature dependent. An issue is that there is a disontinuity in the length during the phase transition. We want to spread out the transformation. A way to do this is to compositionally grade the material. The composition affects <math>T_o</math>, and this shift can be calculated. Write the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the differential form of Gibbs free energy for this system. The temperature shift can be calculated from a known chemical potential.
<math> \frac{dT}{dN_B} = \pm \frac{\mu_B}{\Delta S} </math>
The transformation first occurs where there is a higher <math>T_o</math>.
There is real [hysterisis|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysterisis] when this is done [adiabatically|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adiabatically]. Boundary movement results in pure [dissipation|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissipation].
What is the heat effect?
<math>dU = \delta Q - pdV + Fdl</math>
<math>(dH)_p = (\delta Q)_p + Fdl</math>
There is an extra work term in the free energy differential. The change in enthalpy at constant pressure is not just due to heat flow. Perform a [Legendre transform|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_transformation].
<math>dH=\delta Q + VdP -ldF</math>
<math>(dH)_{p,F} = (\delta Q)_{p,F}</math>
Below is the generalized enthalpy. It is the free energy minus all the work terms.
<math>H=U-\sum_{i} Y_i X_i</math>
<math>(dH)_{Y_i} = (\delta Q)_{Y_i}</math>
An error in calculations can result from using the enthalpy for heat reaction when subjected to non-PdV work. The full heat release is not the standard enthalpy. The error can be large when doing electrochemistry.
*Magnetically induced transition*
Consider an example of transition between a [ferromagnetic|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferromagnet] state and a [paramagnetic|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramagnet] state. Can there be a shift in transition with the application of a magnetic field? Yes, anytime there are phases that differ in extensive quantities, essentially implying a first order phase transition, there can be a shift by applying intensive variable. Look at the differentials and Clausius-Clapeyron equation.
<math>\frac{dT}{dH} = -\frac{\Delta M}{\Delta S} </math>
How large or small is the change in transition per atom due to magnetization? How large is <math>\Delta M</math>? Consider a few aligned electron spins. A large estimate of <math>\Delta M</math> is a few [Bohr magnetons|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohr_magneton] per atom. Yet <math>\Delta M</math> is still small in energetic terms. Use the [Boltzmann constant|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_constant], <math>k_B</math>, for the <math>\Delta S</math> term. This is the atomic version of <math>R</math>. The result of the calculation is that there is a change in the transition temperature of 0.66 K per applied [Tesla|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_%28unit%29]. A giant field is required to shift temperature. In this case the effect of magnetism on the transition temperature is small, and the only hope for getting in a reasonable region is if there is a small heat effect in the transition, which corresponds to a small value of <math>\Delta S</math>.
*Example: <math>(La, Ca)MnO_3</math>*
Consider an example of an <math>ABO_3</math> material. In the case of <math>(La, Ca)MnO_3</math>, the amount of <math>Mn^{3+}</math> and <math>Mn^{4+}</math> ions can be controlled by varying the amount of <math>La</math> and <math>Ca</math>, which are of charge <math>3+</math> and <math>2+</math>, respectively. Look at the electrical and magnetic phase diagram.
Ferromagnetic materials are better conductors than [anti-ferromagnetic|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antiferromagnetic_interaction]. Electrons are able to hop between atoms and preserve spin. Paramagnetic materials are not as bad conductors as anti-ferromagnetic. This is due to [Hund's Rule|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hund%27s_rule_of_Maximum_Multiplicity].
Imagine one is at a point above the transition temperature in the phase diagram. The material is in the paramagnetic field, and it is possible to be in the magnetized phase by applying a field and shifting the transition temperature. Conductivity increases by four orders of magnitude, and this effect is termed the [Giant Magnetoresistive Effect (GMR)|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_magnetoresistive_effect]. There is not much changing intrinsically and is complicated in reality; there is a percolation issue. IBM discovered a bigger change and termed it the [Colossal Magnetoresistance Effect (CMR)|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colossal_magnetoresistance].
Remember that there are different extensive properties that result from applying a field