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Below are payload design/research questions that we did not completely address, as well as some ideas we did have regarding how we might have tried to solve them.

Circuit Board Implementation

Unanswered questions:

  • How do we connect the cameras (inside the pressure vessel) to the circuit boards (outside the pressure vessel) while still maintaining a pressure seal of the vessel

Data Extraction and Representation

Unanswered questions:

  • How would we go about recovering the data collected from the cameras after the launch?
  • What kind of PC/laptop + adaptor would we use to download the data?
  • How would we represent our results? What would we do in the case that one or more cameras failed to collect images?

Payload Weight Requirement

Unanswered questions:

  • What kinds of elements can we include in the payload to get closer to the required weight? How can we justify that these elements contribute to our research in a meaningful way?