- Raspberry Pi cameras would be used to collect images of the eyes
- LEDs would be placed inside the pressure vessel so that there would be enough light to capture images of the eyes
- cow eyeballs would be used (since applying this experiment to human eyeballs would be invasive) and would be oriented facing upward (similar to how astronauts face upward during rocket launches)
- three eyeballs would be used to provide more data (preferably more eyeballs, but limited to three due to other design constraints)
- the eyes would be secured within a pressure vessel (to prevent other factors from deforming the eyeballs)
- vibration damping materials would surround the pressure vessel, to ensure the eyes remain secured
Unanswered research problems:
- How do we ensure the eyeballs remained preserved while they are in the rocket? (especially since launch is in New Mexico during the summer)
- How can we recover the images after launch?
- How can we measure and how do we quantify our results? Will the image quality of the recovered data be sufficient to depict any notable changes in eye shape?