- Malawi's Super Harvest Proves Biofuel Critics Wrong
- 4 December 2007, Biopact
- Malawi's harvest of biofuel crops was large enough to have replaced its entire consumption of oil and still allow exports to the world market.
- This year, Malawi is selling corn to the UN's World Food Program and is exporting hundreds of thousands of tons of corn to its hungry neighbors. Had it decided to turn it into biofuels, it would have replaced all its imported and expensive fossil fuels all at once and become entirely oil independent (Malawi consumes around 5,500 barrels of oil per day).
- Ethanol-driven vehicle under test in Malawi
- 28 December 2006, from SciDev Net
- The test will involve a modified Mitsubishi Pajero driven over a 350-kilometre route from Lilongwe to Mzuzu.
- The bumpy road to clean, green fuel
- Gaia Movement Trust
- Osman Ibrahim, head of an organization called the Biodiesel Agricultural Association, is urging farmers in Malawi to plant jatropha.
- Malawi Explores Biodiesel as a Cash Crop: More information about the Biodiesel Agricultural Association.
News Articles - specific to Malawi Biodiesel production
Malawi's super harvest proves biofuel critics wrong - or, how to beat hunger and produce more oil than OPEC
(Tuesday, December 04, 2007)
Excerpt from article:
- .
Another very relevant article
Biofuels: benefits and risks for developing countries