Identify Pilot Applications:
- Confluence?
- Jira?
- Stellar
- Alfresco / ACEGI
- NIST's Spam Management Tools
- DSPACE? (libraries)
Anchor |
| Implementation |
| Implementation |
Pilot Implementation:
What do we need to enter pilot phase?
- NIST running Webauth login server
- ISDA having login access to server to examine logs and config files.
- Hardware for Webauth login server
- Login server using MIT CA issued certificates
- Do we need documented process for modifying Webauth config files?
- IdP for MIT account holders
- Confirmation that NIST will run this
- ISDA access to server to examine logs, and config files
- Process for updating config files
- SPs on (are these dev or production in Pilot?):
- Stellar
- Jira
- Confluence
- Work to support Stellar and Confluence external account holders
- IdP for external account holders
- Login server for external account holders
- LDAP directory for external accounts?