1) Embedding request
The embedding request (Jan's blog)
was approved by spin PWG and Jim made the official request
Nov 13, PWGC set priority as #3. PWGC e-mail
Nov 30
All embedding jobs
W-Pythia + ZB embedding job
January 5
official drupal page with all embedding requests
2) Best guess of BFC options
-------------- Jan , hard pp , no pipelup
root4star -q -b 'bfc.C(5,"MakeEvent,ITTF,NoSsdIt,NoSvtIt,Idst,VFPPVnoCTB,logger,-EventQA,-dstout,tags,Tree,EvOut,analysis,dEdxY2,IdTruth,useInTracker,-hitfilt,tpcDB,TpcHitMover,TpxClu,McAna,fzin,y2009,tpcrs,sdt20090428.141700,geant,geantout,beamLine,eemcDb,McEvOut,bigbig,emcY2,EEfs,bbcSim,ctf,CMuDST","../TpcRS-rev2/test_QCDprod.fzd")' >&LogN
----------- Jan add pileup of 1%
root4star -q -b 'bfc.C(5,"MakeEvent,ITTF,NoSsdIt,NoSvtIt,Idst,VFPPVnoCTB,logger,-EventQA,-dstout,tags,Tree,EvOut,analysis,dEdxY2,IdTruth,useInTracker,-hitfilt,tpcDB,TpcHitMover,TpxClu,McAna,fzin,y2009,tpcrs,sdt20090428.141700,geant,geantout,beamLine,eemcDb,McEvOut,bigbig,emcY2,EEfs,bbcSim,ctf,CMuDST","../TpcRS-rev2/test_QCDprod.fzd; gfile B ../TpcRS-rev2/test_QCDminb.fzd; mode BTOF back 1; mode TPCE back 3761376; gback 470 470 0.01 106. 1.5; rndm 10 1200")' >&LogP2
For the real data, this is the chain we used for the official production:
bfc.C(200,"DbV20090817 pp2009a ITTF BEmcChkStat QAalltrigs btofDat Corr3 OSpaceZ2 OGridLeak3D beamLine -VFMinuit VFPPVnoCTB -dstout","st_W_10087028_raw_4180001.daq")
3) pre-embedding data vs. M-C comparison
- Justin compared TPC - looks tragic Nov 10
- Ilya - BTOW SF for MC - has some eta dependence - Nov 10 fig 4a black curve
Anchor | ||||
4) Optimal GSTAR+BFC settings for W-embedding, simulations
(aimed toward best achievable compatibility with pp500 data)
a) Pythia tune A for W-Pythia events. TBD for QCD-Pythia events
b) M-C W-event processed by GSTAR , output : .fzd
Setup options:
set field = "field=-5.0" # full reverse field"
set myGeom = y2009a
detp geom $myGeom $field hadr_on
magnetic filed | time stamp=Apr 1, 2009 | ||||
detectors | TPC | BTOW | ETOW | BSMD | BPRS |
EM Sampling | ? atm pressure? | compute geantDE->ADC w/ | compute geantDE->ADC | geantDE stored in muDst | geantDE stored in muDst |
DB status table *) | N/A ? | ideal: 100% working | ideal | N/A | N/A |
DB pedestals | not used? | not used | not used | N/A | N/A |
container w/ output hits | geantDE/track segment | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | geantDE/strip | geantDE/tile |
*) Note, for the real sub-event the embedding will copy 1:1 its content to the output muDst
c) Setting of 3 stages of BFC_mixer, 2 input sub-events (.daq , .fzd), 1 output event (muDst)
c1) processing of real sub-event, before mixing
detectors | TPC | BTOW | ETOW | BSMD | BPRS |
input=output 1:1 *) | ADC/pad | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | ADC/strip **) | ADC/tile **) |
any DB table | not used | not used | not used | not used | not used |
*) all channels as in 'raw' event, contain pedestal from real event
**) is zero suppressed & pedestal corrected on-line
c2) processing of M-C sub-event, before mixing
time stamp | from real sub-event | ||||
detectors | TPC | BTOW | ETOW | BSMD | BPRS |
input container | geantDE/track segment | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | geantDE/strip | geantDE/tile |
gains | TpcRS ADC*2.6 | N/A | N/A | geantDE->ADC | force 5GeV muon at eta=0.5 |
DB pedestal | not used ? | not used | not used | not used | not used |
DB status table | ideal: 100% working | ideal | ideal | ideal | ideal |
output | ADC/pad | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | ADC/strip | ADC/tile |
c3) Mixing of real & M-C sub-events
Simply add ADCs from both streams
detectors | TPC | BTOW | ETOW | BSMD | BPRS |
input (2 streams) | ADC/pad | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | ADC/tile |
output *) | ADC/pad | ADC/tower | ADC/tower | ADC/tower **) | ADC/tile **) |
*) for all existing elements, pedestals included via real sub-event
**) any pixel present in only one sub-event is passed to the output event as is.
c4) BFC setting to reco mixed event
starver SL09f
Chain options: "pp2009c,ITTF,VFPPVnoCTB,BEmcChkStat,btof,beamLine,Corr3,OSpaceZ2,OGridLeak3D"
time stamp | from real sub-event | ||||
BFC options | as for real pp500 data production | ||||
detectors | TPC | BTOW | ETOW | BSMD | BPRS |
input | ADC/pad | ADC/tower | ADC/strip | ADC/tile | ADC/tile |
DB gains | as for data | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
DB status table | as for data | as for data | as for data | N/A | N/A |
DB pedestal | as for data | as for data | as for data | N/A | N/A |
cluster finder | as for data | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
vertex finder | as for data | as for data | as for data | N/A | N/A |
output muDst | tracks+vertex | ADC/tower *) | ADC/tower *) | ADC/strip **) + | ADC/tile **)+ |
*) all channels as in 'raw' event, contain pedestal from real event
**) is zero suppressed & pedestal corrected
Weighting of ZB events, blg w/ details
Justin recomputed event weights in September 2010 : http://drupal.star.bnl.gov/STAR/blog/stevens4/2010/sep/17/zb-event-weighting-run-9-w-x-section-embedding-request