10:30 end time Anchor1030 1030
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2003 Summer - Dance ending time moved from 11pm to 10:30pm
2002-3 Weekly dances end at 10:30pm during the Summer. Ted Lizotte has a long drive home and asked if we’d be willing to end a half hour early for the Summer of 2002. At the time attendance during the summertime was always low and it seemed like a reasonable adjustment. In Fall 2002, we returned to ending at 11pm.
Weekly dances end at 10:30pm year round. When Summer 2003 came, we again shortened the night to 10:30pm. Sometime during that time, we also started serious discussions with Ted about what we could do to make him happier (so he wouldn’t retire 26 and stop calling for us). He mentioned that ending at 10:30pm made a big difference. In July of 2003, a proposal to shorten the night to 10:30pm was brought to a club vote. The club approved it, but asked that the board review this decision once a year to be sure that this decision was reverted when the situation no longer warranted the early ending time. Many club members miss the extra half an hour, especially those that arrive later, but the club enjoys Ted so much that they are willing to sacrifice that dancing time to keep him. The officers should seriously consider adding the time back when the situation changes.
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Tech Squares moves back from Thursday to Tuesday nights in 2002.
1998 Dancing moves from Tuesday to Thursday nights