Adding a new Event1. To add a new event, hover your mouse over a day on the main calendar display and click the 'Add Event' icon which appears:
2. Next, a panel asking which calendar you want to add to will appear:
3. Select the calendar to wish to add the event to (in this case the calendar is titled 'My Vacaction') and click next. Enter the details for the event: 4. Click 'Add' to finish the job.
Adding a new CalendarYou can add a new calendar, either one allowing events to be added via Confluence, or one which subscribes to an iCal file elsewhere on the Internet. 1. Click the 'Add a calendar link'. If more than one type of calendar is available, you will have to select the calendar type: 2. Fill in the calendar details. 3. Click 'Finish' to add the new calendar. |