- Match students and advisors based on students' resume & statement of objectives as closely as possible.
- For the past few years, we have polled the incoming class to ask for their advisor preferences (top 3 choices)
- Using that information, assign advisors while keeping assignments even across all advisors.
- Log in to: Assign Academic Advisors/Registration Officers to Students
- You will need to request authorization to view this site. Please see "Exceptions, Requests, Contacts" for the appropriate personSee Helpful Links page for more information.
- Under "Select the Effective Term," select the current term and then select "Change Term."
- Select "RED.M" and then "Find Students."
- Begin typing the advisor's name in the comment box on the right, which will auto-populate with options.
- Select the correct faculty member, and move on to the next line.
- Once all students on a page have been assigned, select "Save Assignments" before moving on to the next page.