Courses with final exams have a different final grade deadline from courses with out a final exam
If a course is going to have final presentations, they should happen during the regular class time though faculty can request to have them after classes end.
A copy of the 11.303 Studio Final Presentation Exemption email can be found herein the MSRED/FINAL EXAMS Drop Box:https://www.dropbox.com/scl/sfo/f3zn1xoh6nobt45e37lm3xuff5ugfuxerymp/11303%20Exemption.pdf?h?rlkey=u0gr0ydculwpxmozftex1cyug&dl=0.
You may want to include the information in my original note when you email Tami again this spring asking for another 5-year exemption for Studio. It may also be a helpful guide for what to include if there are other classes in the future that will need a similar exemption.past correspondance when requesting an exemption update.
Tami Kaplan <tkaplan@mit.edu> is the point person on this.