- Adjust homepage features
- Publish News articles
- Publish Incoming Events
- Ad hoc updates as requested by faculty and staff
- Add new journal accepted research papers
- Add Newsletter PDF to archive page (CRE News > category: Newsletter)
- Review 2U online course dates ("Online Courses" page)
- Every 4 months review updates of apps/widgets/Wordpress versions, release in dev site and check for bugs/issues, then release on site.
- Run Thesis automation in "Manage Imports"
Yearly updates
- , ensure correct information, publish drafts.
- Fill in SSRN paper information from drafts in "Research Papers"
- Profile "People" profiles changes, i.e. new students, staff, faculty or researchers
- Move recent MSRED alumni to "Alumni" category and hold for another year
- Update website with any new institute branding changes, accessibility, style, logo, etc.
- Perform any major site updates needed/requested which may involve developer
- Update/review language on all pages, Education, Partners, Alumni, About, etc.
- Change out/update images for refresh
For more information on editing the website from the backend see extensive training available: