- Help faculty understand their needs
- Services available
- Price point
- Colleague's needs
- Focus groups
- Push vs pull
- Get in circle of trust
- students
- colleagues
- admins
- departmental support
- Get in circle of trust
- Structure for assessment
- communicating with each other
- evaluating
- translation into agile, responsive services
- surveys
- are the services currently in place working?
- Scope
- Completely new vs. solutions that exist (in part)
- Video
- Graduation <-> Retrospectives
- Choke point?
- Tracking resources - know where to go
- Needs gathering vs. Answering questions
- ACCORD: Clearing house, comprehensive index
- Sustained
- Moderated
- Collect from providers
- Rejuvenate EdTech Partners
- Affinity groups
- Institute mandate/support
- Edit and upgrade Teaching with Technology page
- searchable
- Address core areas of confusion
- Video delivery and production
- Classroom ownership and management
- Course management
- Content repositories
- Affinity groups
- With the end user and with departments/people who service the end user
- Power of the liaison programs
- OCW and Libraries and (who else?)
- Coordinate among liaison groups
- Amongst ourselves
- Easy, obvious, and visual
- Sustain groups like EdTech partners
- Someone in ACCORD to be accountable?
- Capture ideas, synthesize, communicate back to today's workshop attendees and on ACCORD web site
- Recommend next steps -> "Top 3" actions
- Moira list
( ? )
- Provide more granular list of activites
- Resurrect EdTech partners
- Roadmap
- Compile and distribute
- Work and people
- Departmental people