- Store flowchart diagram in a main CRE storage location (not ce2 personal OneDrive Folder)
- Store voicemail recordings in a better location than dropbox.
- Create shared voicemail box for CRE Reception Group (cre-info@mit.edu?)
- Ask Marla how to handle vacations
- Add special instructions section on how voicemail is handled
- Under Zoom Settings > Phone > "Others" > Voicemail & Videomail: Add the individual users. We cannot add Moira groups here unfortunately, these can only be Zoom Accounts.
- Add notes for future followup - check on Zoom Contact Center setup. We should be able to send to an email.
- Add CRE Events Support Line to flowchart
Click the graphic to enlarge it, or visit https://mitprod-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/ce2_mit_edu/ESHG39RlI8xFqeyuURDmh94BTsOXvzdJjVw5ppZEnJeqGA?e=ixNAVo
This is our legacy call tree. We deleted this because we don't think it was used anywhere.
CRE AV Events Support Line (617-258-5571)
This number may be given to lecturers during professional development events. It was configured to simultaneously ring:
- Karenina
- Cooper
If neither of them answer, it rings the reception call group.
Voicemail Greeting
Thank you for calling the MIT Center for Real Estate, Event Support Line. You have reached us outside of normal business hours. Please leave a message and someone will return your call during the next business day. You may email us at, C R E dash events at M I T dot E D U.
That email address again is C, R, E, dash, E, V, E, N, T, S, at, M, I, T, dot, E, D, U.
Thank you
Recorded Greetings
For now, all recorded greetings/voicemail prompts are stored in the cre-dropbox folder at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yertiauwli8424c/AACTM5lx-XHgOFXssBLuqMwJa?dl=0