This section includes information on training users for Office 365 Calendar features.
- Why do we schedule things in our calendars?
- Discuss syncing across all devices
- Global address list
- How to access
- How to update your information
Desktop Scheduling
How to create an event in your calendar
Event options:
- Free - Use for notices or TODOs so you're aware they're happening but it's not occupying your time. E.g. "Thesis submission due next week"
- Busy - You are working on something during this time
- Out of Office - You are on vacation or not available for work
- Working Elsewhere - You are working remotely/not on campus
- Demonstrate how these appear to others
- Schedule time out for yourself when you need to focus
- Schedule time after meetings to reconcile notes/perform post-meeting tasks
- Just because someone is "free" doesn't mean they're not working
Repeating events
End after
- Certain days of the week
- Marking things as private
- Show Calendar Permissions
- How to show multiple time zones on your calendar (e.g. EDT + PDT)
Time Zones- Change notification settings
- Meetings
How to open someone else's calendar
How to open a resource calendar
- How to schedule a meeting
Show response options
Show reminder options
Show time options + drag and drop in calendar
- Scheduling Assistant
- Conference Room / Resource Booking
- Mention bug in Android Mobile
- Notifications - these propagate to others
- Response Tracking
- Show Calendar Permissions
- Explain default permissions
- Sharing greater details with people
- Free/Busy
- Limited Details
- Full Details
- Delegation
- Delegation including private events
- Marking events as private
PermissionsGeneral Interface Tips
Open calendar in a new window
How to open someone else's calendar
- Dual displays
Advanced Options:
Scheduling via polling (there’s a better way to do this in Outlook 365)
Send later on macSend later on windows (verify delay delivery mode and if outlook needs to be running, cached exchange mode)
Send later on mobile does not exist
Scheduling via calendly or booking page – “When are you available”
Web publishing of calendars
Importation of google calendar or external calendars (e.g. software, feed) via ics
Syncing of google calendar via plugins. Explain difference between syncing and ics feed. Explain how to use ics to push your calendar to other tools. Explain CRE Website events feed.
Later Feature (Mac/Win/Web)
Plugins: zoom, calendly, boomerang. Mention how calendly pulls availability information from your calendar, which is another reason why free/busy attribute is important.
Add your personal calendar:
Other platforms do this (you can do this in gmail, gsuite, Synology, and tons of other platforms)
Change the default reply option to reply-all
- Drag and drop meetings to change time
- Control + drag or right-click + drag to copy a meeting
- Cmd + drag on Mac
How to publish your calendar to the web / other platforms
- Gmail, Synology, etc...
Zoom Scheduling Plugin
- Calendly Integration
- Mention how this pulls from "free/busy" availability
- Importation of external calendars via .ics feed
- Master Calendar
- Google Calendars
- Preferences
- Mark mail as read
- Sounds
- Notifications
- Autocorrect
- Signatures
- Customizing the Ribbon
- Miscellaneous
Using to check email on the go
- Mobile-specific Training
Mobile training:
How to view someone else’s calendar
How to view conf rm calendars
How to book conf room calendar (bug in mobile client)
How to open email in split screenDemonstrate time picker options (drag and drop vs wheel)
Discuss how all options in a new meeting are the same as desktop (free/busy, notifications)
Phone directory- where does this come from, how to update
Change notification preferences
How Show how to make outlook calendar calendars accessible to android device. Note that anytime you add a calendar to outlook, it adds it to google calendar widget
Checking your email on
Go through options
Send later
Add someone else’s calendar
How to see responses (tracking)the Android OS.