XMM-Newton (Ivan): iachec_clusters_xmm_obs_all.csv
Chandra ACIS-I (Larry?): IACHEC_Cluster_of_Galaxies_WG.numbers
Chandra ACIS-S (do we want this? Yes, but concerns about level of BG)
Suzaku XIS (Eric): ...
NuSTAR (Dan): ...
AstroSat (Gulab): ...
HXMT (Chen): Perseus, Coma
NICER (Craig): ...NICER (Craig
ROSAT (Kip or his designate): ...
- Please provide information (OBSID, exposure time) about your mission's best observation of each MMS cluster that matches these criteria (the red clusters in the Google sheet):
- kT > 6 keV (cluster-specific)
- z < 0.1 (cluster-specific)
- 100,000 cts in central 6 arcmin (40,000 for PSPC) (mission-specific)
- center < 3 arcmin off-axis (mission-specific)
- These criteria are a bit flexible, so comments can be added for specific exposures.
- Each mission contact prepare their own table as they wish, and provide to Eric to merge with the existing Google spreadsheet; or they can enter that information by hand on the Google sheet.
- Since the idea is to choose a single observation for each mission for each cluster, it is best for the mission expert to identify that observation. This would also identify which observations have the required 100,000 counts, which hopefully each of us can estimate roughly from the exposure time.